Chapter 14 - Letters

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Keith's POV

     My legs carried me in every direction. Every hall that I went down had the same things: posters, lockers, and students.

    It was almost impossible to find anyone in this place.

   Everywhere I turned, it just kept going on and on, it seemed like it was never ending: infinite.

   My body was aching from all the punches it received from that Bennett kid. And I just knew that there would be bruises lining my chest and face. My lip was bleeding and so was the side of my head by my temple.

   I'm mad at myself that I ruined the night for Jay. I ruined the first night back here with her all because I was arrogant and selfish. My mind triggered these feeling that I couldn't ignore, no matter how hard I tried. They just wouldn't go away. 

    ANd I was craving the satisfaction to see the guy who hurt Jay be hurt in the same way if not worse. I don't feel bad about what I did at all. He deserved it and he knows he did. And when he tried to tell me that he was "sorry", I knew from the start he was bluffing.

   Because guys like him, there never, ever sorry.

    I stopped to take a breath. I scoured the halls, only to find that where I was, it was completely empty. No one was around and some of the lights were shut off, only the sky lights remained on.

   There was a bathroom down the hall a bit, I paced over to it and opened the door. I needed to clean myself up before I found her. I don't want her to think that I'm injured, because I'm not, far from it. And besides, I need to worry about her, not the other way around.

    I turned the handle on the sink to the cold water setting, and instantly, cold water splashed onto the white silicone.

     There was two gashes across my left cheek and a small cut on my right temple where Bennett clawed at me. On my arm, there was bruises already forming and some of the skin was raw from where I skid on the gym floor.

   I refused to let the pain get to me, I needed to come out of this strong and prove that I'm willing to do anything for anyone I love. Even if it means getting beat, I don't care, just as long as I know that they will be safe.

    But I kind of broke that already. Well I didn't kind of, I did. I did by spilling to Walker where Jay was. I don't know how I'm going to tell her what I did. And I don't want to tell her either. I don't want her to treat me differently; and besides, if she finds out what I did and all of the things I was forces to do back with walker, she would probably look at me as if I was insane.

    They forced me to do many things, that harmed others. And it was all because I was their test subject in their lab of gadgets.

    The thoughts of what they did made a shiver run down my spine, leaving my arms covered with goosebumps.

    My face was dripping wet from the freezing cold water, so I dried it off with some paper towels that were siting in a basket in the middle of the two sinks.

   The gashes were cleaned, but not enough because they started bleeding once again. The white button up shirt I wore was stained with dark red, from my blood. It was all because of my nose and where Bennett punched me, luckily that stopped bleeding; but it still hurt to touch it, and it was sort of crooked.

   But thats besides the point right now, because my legs carried me out of the bathroom and back into the ghost town of a hallway. If there was any place Jay would be, it would be here. The gym wasn't too far away because I heard the music blaring.

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