Chapter 20 - Blackout

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We ate lunch in silence.

The paths that were made by the lined tables were bustling with people, their arms full of bags and other necessities.

I watched as the eyes of the curious shoppers flickered their way to me, zeroing on one target: me. They would immediately look away, pure disgust written in full colors on their faces. Every time I would receive a death glare, I would sink into the very uncomfortable steel chair, hoping that soon I would become invisible.

"Don't look at them-," Keith says, while stabbing his salad violently with his plastic fork. It was like he was becoming angry too, but I'm used to these kinds of hatred from people, I refuse to let them make me inflamed.

I refuse to show them that they actually mean something to me. That their daggers at my back actually affect me. I refuse to let them have the satisfaction of seeing me broken, because of what they've done, what they've said about me. They don't affect me and I'm over it...

But every single time I say such things like that, I'm only lying to myself. Lying to myself to the point that I become blind. I know I do it, but I can't seem to stop it from happening in the first place.

"I-I just don't get it sometimes." I simply say with a shrug of my shoulders, crossing my arms under my chest and leaning back into my chair even more, shrinking away every second.

"Don't get what?"

"Why people have to be so cruel." I spat, not directing my anger at him, but those who pace and stride around him. To me, he seems to be the only pure hearted one here. The one who actually knows my story and not making up stupid lies.

"They do it to satisfy their minds. They do it because they got nothin' else better to do with their lives. They do it because... they see it as non-harmful and fine. Although it's not fine," Keith thrusts a hand down on the table. "It's not fine that every single time I look at another one's face, that they are staring at you. Staring at you with pure disgust and hatred; you didn't even do anything to them, you don't deserve this kind of treatment from them. But Jay, just as long as you know that I don't view you as this Jay Newman that you are made out to be by others, but you are Jay Newman, My Jay Newman, the one who I'm falling for every second. Just as long as you know I'm always gonna be with you, nothing nor no one will ever get in the way of what we share. We will never get ripped apart again. And when I mean this, I mean it with all my heart, all my heart and I'm directing it only to you, no one else in the world but you," He takes hold of my hand and rubs small, soft, dove-like circles on it, comforting me; soothing me. "Jay, I love you."

It doesn't take a second's hesitation to reply back to him whole-heartedly. "Keith, I love you too. More than you can ever put into words, and more than you can ever imagine."


We pad out of the building. The once beautifully lit skies are now dark with mixes of a feint pastel blue over the mountains and a very heavy purple value crowded over the roofs of our heads. The light lampposts were on and shinning bright lights over the cars, causing them to glint and sparkle under the light.

The moon was a half crescent, and there was no trace of the sun left. It had completely disappeared over the rim of the mountain ranges that stood tall and intimidating to others. I took in a whiff of fresh air, my lungs filling with a pleasurable freshness that's hard to explain.

Keith and I tread to the car, hand-in-hand, not speaking, it was a comfortable silence, not an awkward one that you would wish to break.

The rental car we got over the weekend was parked at the far end of the lot. The asphalt was now vacant and empty from how it was before, besides a few cars that still lingered around that I assume must be the employees' cars.

My skin was covered with goosebumps i a matter of seconds, the cold mid January air sending powerful shocks of tingles down my spine, It felt as if it froze all my tendons.

But the icy feeling faded as Keith pulled me closer to his chest, wrapping a protective arm over my pointed sharp, shoulder. My small figure seemed to sink in his as I shoved my body into his a little more.

Thought he warmth and pleasure disappeared. It was almost as if the air had took it away from me, depriving me from it. The goosebumps and bone chilling temperatures got tome again, freezing my body in a thick sheet of ice. Every step I took made my legs yelp in pain.

But luckily, we were by the car already, so I would only feel this pain for about two minutes or less.

Keith dropped the bags gently on the asphalt, bending his arm ever which way to wring out the cramps and tight muscles.

"You go warm up the car, I'll put these in." I suggest.

"You sure?"

I roll my eyes playfully, and look at him. "Go."

"Alright fine." He turns on his heel and unlocks the driver's side door. The car was kind of tall, being a Jeep after all, but this one was different from Sandra's. It was black with big rims on the wheels and there was a step to get in, unlike Sandra's where there was none, other than the handle that allowed you to hoist your own self up and into the cold leather seats without the help of the stepping bar.

Keith closed the heavy steel door closed, then the engine roared to life.

I stared down at the combined bags, readying myself to life each one and securely place them in the back. Bags from all sorts of stores were littered in one massive pile on the ground in front of me. I started with the bags from H&M first, making my way to the next bag, and he next after that.

   Finally, I made it to the point where there was only one JCPenny bag and one Hot Topic bag with a pair of shoes and a shirt for Keith.

   I hoisted them up, swinging them to get momentum within the swing. Once they were safely inside, I closed the door. But when I did...

   I saw it.

   I saw him.

   Then, everything around me went black, and I shrank in the everlasting pit of darkness.


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