Chapter 39 - Missing Piece

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Important Author's Note at the end of this chapter, please read! Enjoy!😁

"What did you need to protect yourself from, who did you need to protect yourself from?"

"From David, from Jo-Je, from all of you. I did it so that my life wouldn't affect yours. I did it to fit in. I did it so that I seemed to have the same backstory as all of you, but I didn't. I knew my parents. I wasn't an orphan like the others, I wasn't the same. I knew everything about myself and I chose to hide it all because I was selfish."

"Your not selfish if you're doing something for the sake of others, Keith," I say, "if you did it to protect us from your past, then it's not selfish, it's-"

"You don't understand, I was selfish because I chose not to tell the truth. To share what I did, who I am, where I've been. I kept it from them, from you. That night when I decided to tell you the lie, I knew it was wrong, but the constant negotiation of telling the truth and lying kept taunting me. I wanted to tell you, I did so badly. But, I was afraid that you would look at me differently. That you would no longer feel the same about me as you did before. I was selfish toward your feelings, I didn't want to hurt you, but I did anyway, worse."

I sat quietly, letting his words sink in. It was hard to believe that all of these things that he did, was because of him... and Walker. It was hard to believe that all of the events were actually true, and not more lies.

They were all true.

"Keith, please, don't beat yourself up for it. Please, stop letting the thoughts taunt you."

" I can't. Every night they come back. Images of you always flood my mind, and sometimes when I open my eyes your there, standing in the corner looking directly at me with lustful eyes, full of hatred for me, for all the things I've done."

"Keith please," I beg.

"You want to know what Jo-Je said to me when I went back to the house, she said that we should have never fallen for each other. That it was one big mistake. And if it weren't foe that one fateful day, all those months back, then we wouldn't be in this mess. She told me that everything would have been better off. But you know what I did, I refused to let her words get to me and change my mind, but now when I think about it, she might have been right. All I did was cause you pain. Pain that you didn't need for you were already suffering enough without me. I ruined your life, your hope, your everything. I don't deserve you for all the things I've done. I don't deserve anything. But, I was glad to get to experience real love."

"Keith, please. You didn't mess up anything. If anything, you were my light. You were the one that made my life complete, the missing piece to my puzzle. And now that I have you, now that I found you, I can't let you go."

I say these words with such passion and truth. I meant every word I said. It was as if all the anger and hatred desolated into thin smoke in my stomach. As if it were never really a thing. I meant these words, and I hope that Keith heard it, I hope he knew it.

He is my missing piece, and now that I have him, I can't let him go, ever.

It would be impossible for me to give up something so valuable like him. He is the light in the darkest places. He is the sun to brighten everyday. He's the moon in the night that shines over everything lurking within the depths of the unknown.

He has helped me in ways I can't explain. He's helped me get over my pain of my unknown past, of my unknown identity.

But now that I am renamed, I can change things. I can go back to my real life and the people who have treated me like dirt can change, they can change their feelings about what they think about me once they know my true story.

I stare deeply into our interlaced fingers. Peering down at how perfectly they molded together, like they belong together.

He is mine, and I'm his, and that will never change. So many things have happened over the past months, so many things have morphed into new possibilities that I never knew were possible. I will be able to find a new life, a life where I can make it my own.

I can forget about the past and live in the present when I know I'm safe.

I can do what I want to do without being afraid that I'm being followed or chased by the unknown faces of the Shadow Men. I wont have to worry about anyone threatening me or being scared of me.

In this new life, I can have what I want and I don't have to be questioned.

In this new life, I can be renamed and I can be the one Scarlett Davis I was born to be, and our love can remain unfazed. I can make my own paths, and there is one person I want to spend the rest of eternity with.

His name,

Camden Parker.


This is the second to last chapter in this book! Already! It seemed to go by so quick I know, but there will be three more books to come! YAY!

Thank you so much for deciding to continue reading the series and I hope that you are enjoying it so far! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR READS, VOTES, AND SUPPORT! UNNAMED is almost at 1k views and I'm so excited! It was also on the Action Hot List so I was very excited about that!

And as of right now, it's #257 in Action!! Thank you so much for making my book successful and my passion to write so fun! I really enjoy writing each word in these books for you, and I will continually deliver new and fresh stories for you to read!

I hope that the Unknown Identity Series is like nothing you've never read before, and I hope it is original and unique to you!

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