Chapter 16 - The Feelings

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    The treck up the stairs seemed to take longer than I ever remembered. It was like deja Vu because the last time I helped Keith up the stars was when we were dying from heat exhaustion and dehydration. But now, I was helping him because of his battered and bruised body that was almost too weak to get out of the BMW.

   The apartment was all the way at the end of the hall, and we were about half way thee by now. Beside me, Keith was panting and holding a tight grip on the trim that lined the wall. When he got into the fight with Bennett, he was thrown to the ground at least three different times.

   I saw it, and when I did, I wished I didn't. It was painful to see although I wasn't the one being thrown and kicked.

   It was when Keith was slammed in the legs that I decided that I've had enough. So thats when I went back to my red graffiti colored locker. which was a bad mistake because it only caused more pain on my part. Seriously, people can be so cruel sometimes.

   I fumbled with the key that was placed under the door mat as an extra key just in case of emergency. In my case, my key was sitting on the counter and I had to use this key to lock the door. I didn't want to risk loosing my key and have someone find it and try it on my door, because who knows what would happen then.

   And I didn't give it to Keith, and I was very glad for it because of what happened... It could have very well flew out of his pockets when he was taken to the ground - three and four times every few minutes.

   Finally, I heard there familiar click of the lock, signaling that the door was now unlocked and free to be let free from it's hole that was holding it in place.

   I helped Keith inside, and he stumbled a bit. He got two and three blows taken to his lower legs and ankles so I can't imagine how much pain he must be feeling because of walking on them. Wait... actually, I do know the feeling because I was walking like that for three weeks without treatment.

   And it was all because of me not looking where I was going and getting it caught in a stupid tree root.


   Nothing was said between now and the time we got here. Keith was sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for me to get supplies for the cuts.

   I was in my bathroom that was directly connected to my room, searching and scavenging around for the Neosporin and some gauze pads. I know I have some... I bought them because of my nose that would constantly bleed after the incident with Bennett and his friends.

   I hate thinking about it, and I hate thinking about him. Most of all!

   After a desperate search and rummaging through all the medicine cabinets and baskets, I finally found what I was looking for.

   My legs carried me out of the room and in the presence of Keith. He was looking down at his bloodied and cracked open knuckles. His head hung low almost in a depressing manner, my heart ached to see him like this because I know why he was like this.

   I take a seat on my desk chair that was in front of the bed and gently grabbed his hands, placing them in my lap. Keith lifted his gaze to my eyes, his eyes were full of sorrow. All what I wanted to do is reverse time and pull Keith away before anything happened.

   I held onto his hand for a bit longer, not really ready to let go just yet; honestly, I was never ready to let him go. Not then when he left to Florida, and not now when he's only mere inches away from me.

    Keith opened his mouth and was about to say something, but I held a finger to my lips, signifying that he didn't need to say anything.

   He was most likely going to say something along the lines of 'you don't need to do this for me' but even if he did say it, I still wouldn't listen to him. Because no matter what, I will always help him - if he likes it or not, I will always comfort him and be there when things get rough and hard to cope with.

  I let out a light sigh, and peer down at his hands, turning them over so my eyes have a clear view of the fresh bruises that are forming all along the ridges of his knuckles.

   I traced lightly around the cuts that were bright red. Some blood was already dried, but more would spill over.

   Reach for a white towel that was sitting at the edge of the desk, thanking myself for forgetting to put it way earlier because it saved me the extra steps. The water that I grabbed earlier from the kitchen was still sitting on the wood floor by the foot of the bed. I snatched it and dunked the towel in two or three times, just to get it damp enough to clean off the wounds.

   Keith was watching my every move. I glanced up at him through my lashes, and he still was watching me; he had something on his mind, that he wanted to say, I could just see it in the way his emotions were shown on his face and the way he sat on the bed.

   I try to ignore his stares and continue with taking care of the cuts. I dabbed at them carefully and slowly, making sure that I cause little to no pain at all for him. Because thats the last thing I want to do, cause him more pain.

    "Thank you." I hear him mutter quietly. Almost too quiet for my ears to pick.

    "You're welcome, I'll always be there to help you when you need it most." I say softly, almost in a whisper tone.

   He just smiles. One of those smiles that makes my insides melt into mush.

   How did I ever get lucky enough to have him?

   And what did I do deserve him?

   Nothing, I did absolutely nothing to deserve his love and affection.

   But I'm glad I did get it, because if I didn't, who knows where I would be right now.

   Somewhere other than here.


    Hello!!! Sorry if this seemed like a boring chapter, but the next ones are gonna be good, and this chapter and the next is the calm right before the storm thats about to break... 😱⛈⛈⛈⛈

    SO I entered UNNAMED into an annual writing contest today, and I'm like so excited becuase I got accepted! I entered it in (not only because it's my dream to win a contest - because it is...) but I did it to inspire young writer like me! I want to inspire you to let your mind and imagination run wild.

    This whole story was literally based of one word in a google doc... and that it! Thats why I want to inspire you and let others know that original stories can literally be born out of the blue. Seriously!!

   Anyway, I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter and book so far, so keep reading and showing your support by voting, commenting, and following my account for more updates! I will be back tomorrow with a few more chapters, so don't worry, I wont leave you hanging like I did the whole day today. Yeah sorry for that, but I will update two or three chapters tomorrow, I promise!




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