Chapter 28 - More Lies

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Jay's POV

I sat there, listening to Walker ramble on and on while the others in the room chuckled at someone's stupidity: Keith's. My head was hung low and I was hunched over, sleep threatening to overtake me. Although it was only seven at night, my eye lids still felt heavy and my brain was starting to shut down all on its own.

Someone was holding me by the shoulders with a harsh grip that made me want to whimper, but if I make a sound, he might hit me again.

Every time he would slap me, I always wondered what happened to him that made him like this. He couldn't have always been this abusive and cruel, it's just hard to believe that. Was there something that caused him to be this way?

I slowly lifted my head when I heard foot steps approaching. I gazed up and Walker was a foot away from me, the phone was in his hands and the light that was hanging from the ceiling was half covered by his head, making his face into a shadow.

"Listen very carefully at what Camden is going to say, please... do not interrupt." He demanded while his lips were curved into a sinister smirk.

Walker kneels down and places the phone on speaker and lies it on the cold, concrete floor by my knee.


"Y-yeah." My throat is so dry, I need water. But every single time I would ask for some...well I bet you can guess what happened then.

"What I'm about to tell you might upset you, but I did it for a reason. Everything I told you that night at Brett's house was a lie..."

A lie.

"I did it because I didn't want you to know too much. I didn't want you to change the way you felt about me. Those snippets of information I gave you that night were all fake and left out a lot of major events that happened."

I try so hard to keep the word lie from messing with my brain. I will refuse to let the thing he is about to tell me affect me, to affect us.

"The only thing that was true was t-the part about my parents leaving me when I was six. But, they didn't do it the way I explained, no... they did it in a very different way. They said that we were going to go somewhere - on a small vacation to an unknown destination. They didn't tell me where we were going, nor did they give me any sort of explanation as to why we were going in the first place. When we arrived at the destination... we all got out a-and in front of us stood a huge building with large letters spelling NanoTech...w-where you are now. My parents gave me straight to Walker, they said that they had to because they signed up to give me away to be a test subject. Jay, what they did was horrible, and it wasn't just me who had to go through this, it was me and five others. This wasn't that bad, but later when I'm forced to tell you what I had to do, it might change the way you look at me...but Jay please, don't let this change your mind about my feeling toward you."

I stay silent, not answering him.

"Jay...Please," he pleads.

"Okay." I was just about to say something else when the phone was immediately snatched up again.

"Goodbye Camden!" Then the line went dead.

"Well, that wasn't bad, because he still didn't give you all the details. Wow... he must really not trust you because first he lied to you, then the second time he still didn't give all the facts! Tell me, do you really think he's trustworthy? Do you really think that he actually cares for you? Because the way He's showing it now, its not to convincing." Another sinister smirk spreads across his face and his eyes are pitch black with hatred. His eyes hold no other emotion than hatred.

"You're lying! What else is there to tell then the reason why he got here!" I shout, I was taken by surprise when I didn't receive a blow.

"He didn't explain why his parents gave him away. And that whole sign up thing, not true. You see my point, he doesn't trust you with the truth, he never will. He's dangerous Jay, he even threatened his own mother back in Florida. I wanted to have a civil conversation with him, and he threatened to kill his own mother."

That makes no sense. "What would he want to that!" I struggle to stand, my blood is boiling and the only thing I want to do in this very moment is to knock the lies out of his mind, to get rid of the smirk he always wears, and to get rid of his cold heart.

"It's simple really... he knows that his mother is valuable to me, so he threatened me with her."

I was yanked back harshly by the Shadow Man that was holding onto my shoulders. My body stumbles backwards and I'm now lying on the ground, staring up at the Shadow Man that yanked me.

"It's not true" I say in a hushed tone, but not enough because Walker hears it.

"It is true, and when he gets here, in three days, you can ask him yourself." He lets out a chuckle then leaves the room and my line of sight.

He couldn't have threatened his own mom, I'm not that stupid, I know it's a lie. Of course it's a lie because I see what Walker is trying to do, he's trying to manipulate my thoughts toward him, he's trying to change my mind. Though, its gonna take a lot more than that to change my mind completely.

The feelings I have toward Keith are set, and they aren't flexible, I love him, and thats a fact that will never, ever change.

At that thought, I'm swept away into a never ending void, called sleep.


What do you think, was that the full story... or was that just another lie?

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