guess you're offical

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it was the weekend and also an off day so of course, Carlos and I were still in bed asleep when my phone went off ringing.

I was far too comfortable to reach for it so I let it ring and tried to ignore the loud ringtone.

three calls later I was frustrated that whoever was calling wouldn't give up so I snatched my phone from its charger.

Carlos groaned and I patted his head to put him back to sleep while I saw who was calling on an early Saturday morning.


"hello!" I tried not sound too irritated.

"Jezabelle! are you up yet?"

I rubbed my eyes. "uh, no. why? what's going on?"

"Marwin, Jose, and Collin are being super dad's. how about you come hang out with me, Giannina, Ashley, and Kara! girls day!" Noel's enthusiasm in the early morning was too much.

Carlos gripped my thigh and I turned to look at him. he held up his thumb and nodded his head.

"sure, that sounds like fun. what time?"

"it's going on 9 right now, so how about 10? can you be ready in an hour?" she asked.


"okay, I'll be there to pick you up. see you soon! wear heels!"

I lied back down on the pillow and sighed. "I. am. so. tired,"

Carlos laughed a little. "we didn't stay up that late," he pulled me close to him.

"you kept me up very late," I retorted. "and now I have to walk in heels,"

"go have fun, babe. I'll be here when you get back," he pushed me towards the end of the bed.

I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine before sitting on top of the bathroom counter to straighten my hair a bit. I pulled out all of my makeup and did my usual face routine.

Carlos went into the bathroom to wash up after I left out to get dressed.

"you might want to wear a long sleeve, pretty breezy out," he shouted towards the closet.

all the girls dressed nicely so I wanted to dress on their levels. but Noel told me to wear heels which was kind of a bummer.

I dressed my self in light, skinny jeans and tucked a black, lace long-sleeve shirt in. I tied on black, suede heels and gathered my purse up.

my heels came tapping out of the closet where Carlos was coming out of the bathroom. he froze in his tracks and looked me up and down.

"you're going that," he was examining my outfit.

I looked over my clothes. "what's the matter?"

"that's not fair, you never dress this good when it's just you and I," he whined, walking closer.

"oh, I thought you were going to say I looked horrible," I sighed.

he shook his head. "never! you look hot," he held onto my waist.

I blushed a little. "well maybe when I get back, you and I can go somewhere so that you can be seen with me in this outfit,"

"maybe," he smirked. "now let me bite your neck really quick so guys know that you're taken," he put his lips to my neck and tried to bite.

"stop!" I moved my head away while he still tried to playfully bite me.

he simmered down a bit and fixed my hair over my shoulders. "no, but seriously, you always look good but not this good when we go on adventures. not even here when we're alone," he complained.

be not nobody // Carlos Correa Where stories live. Discover now