narcotic sweet talk

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"I had a really great time tonight," Carlos told me as he walked me to my room. "next time we'll have to go somewhere else where the team isn't there,"

"they're not bad," I shucked, even though I agreed on being alone with him. "they went to have fun too, look," I pointed. "Colby won himself a pink pony," I mentioned as Colby came walking.

"and a monkey," Colby added, waving both stuffed animals in his hands. "just something for my daughters,"

Carlos and Colby made small talk as I took out my room card to unlock my door.

I debated on asking Carlos if he wanted to come inside but figured I'd ask after Colby had left.

after Colby said goodnight to us, I decided to make my bold move.

"do you want to come in?" I asked Carlos in a low tone, even though we were the only two in the hallway.

"no," Carlos sighed. "I'll let you be, let you do whatever you need to do."

I don't know why, but I was a little disappointed in his answer.

"I'll see you tomorrow though," he said as he comforted me with a hug. "sleep tight, Jezabelle," he whispered, giving me a small kiss on my forehead as I closed my eyes.

I walked into my room and turned back to look at him while he still stood in the doorway.

we gave each other a smile and I went to close the door as he also reached for it and gently closed it.

I looked through the peephole to see that he had left and then locked my door.

I let out a long sigh and went to pull off my boots and clothes so I could shower.

the hotel had a small pack of shaving razors so I was able to shave after I had washed my hair and body.

I brushed my teeth when I was done showering, brushed my hair, and pulled on my sleep leggings and tank top while plugging in my butterfly nightlight.

the time was nearing around 1:30am and I laid in my bed, on my phone trying to find a way to sleep when there was a small knock on my door.

I sat up confused and eventually made my way over to look through the peephole.

Carlos was standing on the outside, turning his head as a way to look and see if anyone was watching.

I could see that he was wearing a white sleep t-shirt. I opened the door slowly as he poked his head inside.

he leaned his body on the door frame as he stood in his white shirt, grey joggers, and white socks.

he didn't tell me anything, but rather just looked at me.

I took him by his hand and pulled him inside before I quietly shut the door and locked it back.

"it's almost two, Carlos," I told him. "what are you doing here?"

he didn't say anything, but just continued to look at me.

I've seen that look on his face from earlier, from when we were at the carnival.

it was the look from when we were playing our game, when it started to get intense. he was even biting his bottom lip a little.

"let's get into bed," I whispered, not really knowing what to do or say.

all I knew is that I wanted him to stay.

we climbed into bed on the same side and I turned my body to face him.

be not nobody // Carlos Correa Where stories live. Discover now