let him treat you right

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"Jezabelle, this is my brother, Jean,"

Jean gave me a really big smile which I returned back to him, admiring his features him and his brother shared.

"Jean, this is my girlfriend, Jezabelle," Carlos introduced.

Jean immediately extended his arms out and I followed his movements as we gave each other a hug.

Carlos smiled from the side and patted my head as he made his way back outside.

"so, you're the girl I've been hearing a lot about," Jean said as he let go of me.

"what have you heard?"

"that Carlos has finally found a girlfriend who is insanely pretty," he said with a smile. "our family from Puerto Rico called and told me everything. apparently Carlos has already called them and said great things about you,"

I couldn't do much but smile, beyond grateful that I had Carlos.

Jean already had an impression on me and I honestly couldn't wait until I met the rest of his family.

"really?" I gushed. "I didn't even know he did that,"

"yeah, he seems legit about you," Jean told me. "our family already is thinking of plans for you if you ever decide to go to the island. we're also willing to accept you, even though you're Colombian," he smiled warmly.

I stood silent for a few seconds, trying to take everything in. "we just started dating," I said. "I don't even know how to feel right now,"

"feel good about yourself," Jean encouraged. "every single one of us has waited for Carlos to find someone and just watching you from outside, I could tell you're a good person,"

José came from behind us and greeted Jean before he turned his attention to me.

"Jezy," he said, giving me a new nickname. "Giannina really likes you. she said you'll fit it just well with the others,"

"she's a sweetheart," I smiled to him as he let out a little blush.

José looked at me again before looking out the window toward Carlos who was laughing with Lance, Marwin, and George.

"let him, Jezabelle. let him treat you right. you need him," he told me, patting my shoulder and walking back outside.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I became nervous. Jean was still standing in front of me smiling and I wasn't sure if he was going to bring up what Jose had just said.

"he isn't the only one who thinks that," Jean said as he motioned to José. "our family already likes you even though they hadn't met you. I know it all sounds crazy to you, but we have never heard Carlos speak about anyone the way he has spoken about you,"

"Carlos is an amazing person," I said as I turned to look at him for myself. watching him laugh made me feel really good inside, I just felt so lucky to have him.

"Jezabelle," Jean called me as I got out of my daze from staring at Carlos. "I like you already. I know you'll treat my brother right and I could tell that he'll do the same for you,"

"it's crazy how everyone thinks that way," I said. and I meant it.

Carlos and I had just started being a couple but I felt that everyone had high expectations of us.

sure, I want to see myself with Carlos for a long time, but the way Jean was talking made it sound that Carlos had deep, deep feelings for me.

"you could hear it in his voice when he talks about you, he's happy, and I think he'll be a good boyfriend to you." Jean shrugged.

be not nobody // Carlos Correa Where stories live. Discover now