no more secrets

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the 2016 season was officially over and Carlos was enjoying every bit of the off-season he has had so far.

he spent majority of his time with me, relaxing in his house and either sleeping or watching movies while I was finishing up in school.

I was still living with Carlos, having most of my wardrobe and vanity things at his house in his closet and in his bathroom.

Carlos also began to stock up on food in the house after I had mentioned that his pantry and cupboards were always empty.

I basically took the role of cooking for him, but I didn't mind. he wasn't picky at all.

and he wasn't dirty. he was a clean guy, so I hardly had to pick up after him.

Jean would call every other day and chat with Carlos or else some of the guys would come by and play video games.

it was honestly a fun and relaxing life for all of us.

I had taken my nightly shower to be up and ready for my classes the next morning.

however, I forgot to bring my sleep clothes into the bathroom with me so I could dress myself.

I walked into the room in nothing but a towel, hoping that Carlos was already asleep so I could get dressed.

I knew that Carlos and I were much closer now, but I still didn't know about changing in front of him.

Carlos was lying down on the bed with his phone in front of his face.

he was moving his fingers across the screen - most likely playing a game.

I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of underwear and one of Carlos's shirts he had given me.

I stopped when I had everything picked out. I ended up trying to walk back into the bathroom.

"where you going?" Carlos asked me, not taking his eyes from his phone.

"bathroom," I almost hesitated to say.

"why don't you just get dressed here?" he asked casually.

I looked back at him, hoping he would get up to give me some privacy.

"I'm not moving," Carlos said without looking up.

he somehow could tell exactly what I was thinking.

probably by the way I was just standing in front of him, not sure what to do.

I groaned a little bit. "please?"

Carlos set his phone down to look at me.

"why? you've got nothing to be ashamed of, you're perfect. trust me," he said, giving me a smirk and a wink before pulling his phone back to his face and returning to the game.

I hesitantly dropped my towel and rubbed lotion onto my body.

I pulled on my underwear and then Carlos's t-shirt, feeling comfortable.

Carlos continued to stare at his phone, but I knew he could see me in the corner of his eye.

a small smirk never left his lips.

I returned the towel back to the bathroom and brushed out my hair and scrubbed my teeth.

Carlos sat up waiting for me, already looking at me when I walked back into the room.

"come here," he smiled, motioning his fingers to me.

I turned the light off and climbed onto the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

be not nobody // Carlos Correa Where stories live. Discover now