Chapter 44- Friends in High Places

Start from the beginning

"So, you're serious, huh?" I said, picking him up and slamming against a wall. He grunted. His face had hit where I punched him.

"Just give me the quill!" he screamed, pushing me off him with his magic. I landed on my bottom on the floor.

"I see. So you need magic to face off with me. You're weak," I said. He looked at me furiously.

"I am not weak!!" he shouted, "I can take you without magic!"

"Prove it," I said. He screamed and charged at me again. I casually scooted out of his way as he crashed into the wall behind me.

"You know, a simple 'pardon' would suffice," I said. He turned and angrily looked at me. His nose was bleeding and so was his lip.

"Fight me, I can take it," he demanded.

"A little silly of a request if you'd ask me," I said, "for I could easily take you on, but alright. Let's play."

I ran at him and grabbed his wrists again, twisting his arms behind him. He let out a slightly stifled scream as he tried to resist. I ran his front into another wall.

"Why do you insist on doing that, Ethro?" I asked, "You could hurt yourself." He growled. I spun him around to face me and quickly punched him again—in the nose this time. He stumbled backward and grabbed his nose. His eyes were tearing up.

I ran at him again, pinning him to the ground the same way I had him before.

"Fine! Fine! I-I give up! You win," he said, "Now please get off me!" I stood up and took my hands off his wrists. He shakily stood with a hand still on his nose looking like he was surrendering at first, but then swung and arm at me and struck me in the face. The hit dazed me for a moment, but I was able to recover quickly and strike him again. I pulled my leg up and popped him right between the legs. For a guy, that's the worst place you can get hit—believe me.

"AHH!" he yelled, doubling over, "Fine! Okay! Okay! Just... don't think you've seen the last of me!"

With that, he faded away.

"Puny coward," I muttered, "Although incredibly tenacious. This should be fun."

My castle was a complete mess at this point. Everything looked smoky and there were holes everywhere from where Ethro had blasted me.

I looked around to see if anything priceless was ruined. Luckily, the table of antiques was in perfect shape. I sighed in relief. Now, the next thing to do was plan my next move. Obviously, the boy was inexperienced, although he managed to put many holes in my castle, which I wasn't the least bit happy about.

The best way of taking out a threat, although I'm not sure if Ethro even deserves that much credit, is removing it at the source. And the source was Petra. Take her out, and Ethro no longer would have a reason to try so desperately to steal the feather from me.

I still needed some time to myself, however, so I decided that at the moment finishing up that book was the best idea.

Lukas's POV

"Melody," I said, knocking on Nighmelody's door, "Melody, I need to talk to you."

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Melody standing right behind me with a smirk on her face.

"Right here, goofball," she said, "What's up?"

I cleared my throat.

"It's about last night," I said, "Remember when you said there was something out for our group? I think it's starting with me..."

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