Nineteen: The Vault

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The Vatican City

Luciana was quick to shut the door of the room the three were in, lowering a plank of wood that acted as a lock.

"What are you doing?!" Rodrigo shouted. "Give me the Apple before you act stupid and get hurt."

Ezio laughed, shaking his head as he walked closer to the large man in front of him.

"I do not think so, Borgia." The young man said as he threw the Apple in the air, catching it over and over again. "You see, you killed my family."

Ezio pulled his arm back before swinging it at the man, hitting his face roughly.

Borgia spat a mix of saliva and blood onto the white, marble floor beside him, before looking up at the assassin.

"You are going to regret that, Assassin." Borgia swung the golden staff at Ezio's face, but before it could make contact, Luciana's sword suddenly stopped it.

The young woman stood in front of Ezio, her sword against the Papal staff.

Borgia pulled his staff away, before taking a sharp knife out from a pocket of his Pope uniform.

He swung the knife at the woman's torso, but she jumped back, dodging it.

She then remembered what Ezio told her about planning her next move.

Luciana noticed a vulnerability in his swung, and jammed her elbow into his ribcage when he was not paying attention.

He cried out, falling to the floor.

Just as Luciana's hidden blade revealed itself from the underside of her arm, Borgia yelled something inaudible. Something in Latin.

Suddenly, the blue stone at the end of the staff began to glow, and she felt herself become weaker.

"E-Ezio..." she muttered, her muscles feeling numb before she fell to her knees.

She was soon laying on her back, as Ezio stood unaffected by the staff.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled at Rodrigo.

"The staff is weakening her. It does not work on you because you hold the Apple." He explained, beginning to stand up.

Ezio ran over the Luciana, giving the woman the Apple.

She suddenly felt the effect begin to ware off, but Ezio was then falling to the floor, as weak as she was.

Luciana's shaking limbs picked her off the floor, before she looked up at the man.

She then lifted the sphere in the air, and called out the same phrase he had. But it did not work.

Borgia laughed. "Idiota. I am holding the staff! The Apple does not effect me!"

Luciana grew impatient and yelled as she dashed towards the man. She threw punches and kicks, but she was still weak.

He managed to push her to the ground, which was Luciana's greatest mistake.

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