Eight: Leap of Faith

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

Luciana walked through the streets of the small village. She no longer wore her dress, but instead, she wore her assassin ensemble.

People would give her strange looks, but the moment they saw the weapons she carried on her back and waist, they quickly looked away.

The brunette was making her way to the Villa Auditore, when a man bumped into her unexpectedly.

"Scusa (sorry)!" The stranger said.

The woman looked up to see who had been the man that ran into her. Of course, it was the man she did not want to see.

"Antonio." The woman spat the name out as if it were poisonous.

Which it was.

The man was as toxic as his name.

He was a coward that no doubt, used women.

She walked passed him, but he grabbed her arm. Unlike the last time, he grabbed her a bit more gently.

"I am deeply sorry for my behaviour, signora." He said respectfully.

Luciana yanked her arm from the man's grip. "Let this be a warning, Antonio. If you do not leave me alone, I swear I will have your left hand!" She threatened, repeating her former threat.

He did not speak.

Luciana turned sharply, before walking off.

• • •

"Okay, Romana, today's training is focussing around those hidden blades of yours." Mario spoke as he lead Ezio and Luciana to his back garden.

Once the three entered the yard, Luciana noticed there were hay-stuffed scare-crows set up in different locations, standing on sticks that were punctured into the dirt of the ground.

"The best way to use those weapons, is sneakily. Ezio will show you how to do it." Mario turned to his nephew and gave him a slight nod.

Ezio took the nod as his cue to begin. And he did.

The young assassin made his was towards a hay-filled cart. He jumped in, and Luciana couldn't help but laugh.

"It may seem silly, but stacks of hay are great hiding places when on the run." Mario told the young woman.

"But signore," the young woman interrupted. "I do not run. I fight."

Mario laughed under his breath slightly. "Even the strongest of the strong must run, Luciana. You can not fight every battle."

Luciana turned away, and began to watch her companion again as she pondered on what the man meant.

Ezio reached out from the pile of hay he had been hiding in, before using his hidden blade to penetrate the chest of the human-replica. He then pulled the body (which was really a woven sack filled with hay) into the cart with him. He then jumped out and continued to the next 'enemy'.

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