One: The Festival

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

"Oh, how excited I am to go to tonight's festival! It will be fantastico!" Shrieked the young, blonde woman Luciana shared a house with. But it wasn't just them two. The home consisted of three women.

Luciana, Giovanna, and Valentina.

Giovanna and Valentina were considered the villages most beautiful women. They had the young men of Florence's countryside crawling at their heels.

Luciana was the odd-one of the three. She was the only one not related to them, since Giovanna and Valentina were twins. Not to mention her reputation of being "strangely male-like", which pushed Luciana off the edge.

I did not know being myself is being 'Man-like'. I am not man-like! I am not like anything! The only person I am like, is myself. Luciana would say to herself whenever the sisters would tease her about the dagger she carried in a holder on her waist. Men did not bother speaking to her, which didn't bother Luciana at all. Whenever they did speak to her, it was something idiotic.

"Men are distrazioni (distractions)!" She would tell her house-mates whenever they'd ask her about any new love-interests. Luciana never had an actual answer whenever they asked such a bizarre question. She just had rants and opinions about how women do not need men to make their lives better. But of course, the two sisters would giggle and call Luciana a homosexual.

They were convinced she was passionate for girls.

Luciana let the girls think such things. What the two blondes thought about her did not bother her one bit. As a matter of fact, she did not care what anyone thought of her.

"You must go to the festival, Luciana." Cried Giovanna.

Luciana sat on one of three beds which were divided by nightstands in the room. She had been drawing while listening to her companion go on and on about the villages festival.

"It will be bellissimo (beautiful)!" She said as she went through her piles of dresses she had shoved in the closet.

That was the thing about living with such high-maintenance women. They had hundreds of dresses.

Luciana stuck to the same, basic blue one she always wore. With the cloak and hood.

"I am not wasting my time at a stupid festival, Giovanna. Attend with your sister." The brunette suggested from her bed as she continued to draw, not taking her green eyes off the paper.

"You must! There will be music, dancing, men!" The blonde turned and wiggled her thick eyebrows at Luciana as she said the last word.


Luciana scoffed.

perdite di tempo. The woman thought to herself.

She knew that if she said it out loud, she wouldn't hear the end about her 'homosexuality'.

"I will not attend, Giovanna!" Luciana replied sternly. The blonde's happy face grew into a sad one, before she turned back to her closet.

"Aha!" She shouted, before pulling out a red dress.

Luciana's eyes left her drawing as she looked up at her friend, who was slowly becoming annoying. Until her eyes landed on the gown. She had never seen a dress she thought so fondly of. And she disliked dresses with a passion. But this one... was beautiful.

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