Twelve: The Plan

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

Luciana couldn't sleep.

Her thoughts kept her awake all night.

Every hour or so, she'd stand up and walk around the huge house. She'd wander into Mario's office and look at the weapons he had displayed on his walls. When she got bored, she would go back to her chamber and attempt to fall asleep again.

She told herself this time, I'll sleep! Which was a lie, because she knew very well that as long as Ezio was in the jail cell, she would not close her eyes for more than a second.

• • •

The plan was simple, yet Mario and Luciana went over it countless times.

"Alright so first..." Mario began to speak.

"We wait for Ezio to be brought out." Luciana said as she rolled her eyes.


She sighed. "We wait for the rope to be tied around his neck."


"We throw a knife as he is being hung, so he falls and escapes from under the stage. Then we fight." She explained.

Mario nodded in approval.

"Oh!" He gasped. "I almost forgot."

He moved the cape of his assassin ensemble to reveal a special belt that held 10 knives against his hip. He took 3 out and handed them to her.

"Truly, you only need one. I've seen you throw knives and you are excellent. But this is just in case."

Luciana took the three knives in her hand, and ran her finger over the blade. She nodded and shoved them into her pocket.

Suddenly, the clock tower began to ring.

"It's seven. We must go." Mario told her, pushing her out the door.

The two put their hoods up, and were off.

• • •

Mario and Luciana finally reached the town centre.

A crowd gathered around the stage where the hanging was going to take place.

Luciana wedged herself into the mass of people as Mario followed behind her.

They finally stopped when they were close enough.

They were stuck in the middle of a yelling crowd.

Finally, a big man made his way up onto the hanging stage. He looked too familiar.

Then Luciana realized who the man was.

Uberto Alberti.

The man who hung Ezio's father and brothers.

Mario looked over at the young woman beside him, and she looked at him.

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