Sixteen: The Boat Ride

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

Luciana made sure that every single one of her weapons were perfectly sharpened.

She fixed the gears of her hidden blade, to make their movement faster and stealthier.

She washed her assassins uniform, as did Ezio as he prepared for the trip to Venice as well.

The young woman got dressed in her chamber, her mind racing with thoughts.

Was she ready for such a mission?

Would she succeed?

Is Ezio ready?

She shook her head, trying to dismiss the thoughts as she tied her hair with usual her black black ribbon.

She slipped on the gauntlets over her forearms, giving the hidden blades a test run once more.

She smirked when they extended from the underside of her arm, almost silently.

The blades returned to their neutral position, before she grabbed her sword and put it in the sheath on her back.

The young woman turned to the door, when a gleaming shine caught her eye.

On the floor, laid the leather necklace and silver pendant Ezio had given her. She sighed, walking over to it and picking it up.

She ran her thumb over its smooth, cool surface, before putting it in the pocket of her trousers.

Luciana walked over to the door of her chamber, opening it to see Ezio who was just about to knock.

"Ezio?" She mumbled. "Are you ready?"

He nodded. "I came to see if you were ready." He answered.

"Yes. I am. Did Mario give you the money?" Before Ezio could answer, his uncle was seen descending the stairs.

"Not yet, but I have it now." The man spoke before approaching the two in the large hall. "Here Ezio. This should pay for a boat to Venice. The rest is up to you."

Mario handed Ezio a pouch full of change. Ezio thanked his uncle before putting the pouch in the pocket of his freshly cleaned Assassins uniform.

Mario sighed, before pulling Ezio into a tight hug, patting him on the back.

Ezio laughed, hugging his uncle back. "I will be fine, uncle. Don't worry." He reassured.

"I know you will be fine, you are smart!" Mario pulled away, smiling at his nephew before suddenly pulling Luciana into a hug as well.

The young woman was surprised, but she didn't hesitate to hug the kind man back.

"Your mother would be proud of how far you've come. Especially in the span of a couple weeks." Mario told the young woman.

She smiled slightly, before pulling away from the man's arms. "Thank you for everything Mario. You have been an amazing mentor and friend." She told him, causing him to smile more than he already had been.

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