Eleven: The Jail Cell

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

Luciana's feet thudded against the stone ground as She ran back to Mario's Villa.

Minutes later, she reached the large house, which was quite impressive considering how far they had been.

The young woman bursted through the doors of the home, and shouted for Mario.

"Mario! Come quick! Something has happened!"

Luciana looked around the large hall, before seeing Mario exit his office quickly and in a panicked manner.

"What is the matter, Romana?" He asked, before noticing Ezio was not with her. "Where is my nephew?"

"That is the problem, Mario. I do not know! The...the guards took him! Antonio Moretti lead them-"

Mario held up his hand as a sign for Luciana to stop rambling. Which is what she did. She stopped her quick speaking to take a breath and calm her nerves.

"How do you know signore Moretti?" He asked, the tone of his voice tingled with confusion and worry.

"He was a friend of mine. He no longer is." Luciana explained, but lowered her eyebrows in confusion. "Mario! That is not the point, Ezio needs our help!"

"Luciana, I do not think you realize that he is a Templar."

The young woman froze in her skin. Her bones suddenly ached and she felt as if her body was about to collapse onto the ground right in front of Mario. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The man she had once called a friend, turns out to be the enemy of what she stands for.

Her mind thought back to the time Mario taught her about the rivalry between the Assassins Brotherhood and the Templars.

The Templars craved discipline and control, while the Assassins of the brotherhood fought for freedom.

The two have been sworn enemies for generations.

"He can't be..." Luciana finally muttered.

"I am afraid you've walked into a trap, Luciana."

The young woman stared at the floor as she tried to piece together the story.

"Did he murder my mother when I was seventeen?" She asked.

The man nodded hesitantly.

"And my house mates?"

He nodded his head again.

"I cannot believe this..." she whispered, her jaw clenching along with her fists at her sides. She looked up at Mario, her face fell from upset to aggravated. "I will go change into my Assassin uniform, and I will set out to find Ezio. You may choose to accompany me or not."

"I will accompany you, Assassina Romana, for I am the only one here who knows where they keep prisoners." He insisted.

She nodded, before turning and walking towards her chamber.

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