Two: The Insignia

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

Luciana sat on her wooden bed, notebook in hand as she danced the wooden pencil across the paper.

She had been waiting for the twins to come home for about an hour, and she slowly began to grow worried. Surely they wouldn't have gotten themselves into too much trouble, but Luciana always acted as their guard. Without her, who knows what could've happened to them.

Luciana's mind drifted away from the thought as she convinced herself to wait a bit more before going out to look. She continued her drawing of a very detailed man, in a hood. The man she met hours ago at the festival.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze.

Luciana sighed to herself as she finished the details on his belt. She drew the symbol on his waist so perfectly, remembering exactly how it looked in the centre of his tunic.

As she finished the last detail, she felt as if she's seen that symbol before.

Her eyebrows lowered as he green eyes scanned the symbol more closely, until suddenly, something in her mind clicked, and she knew exactly where she's seen it before.

Luciana quickly stood up from her cot, running over to the small wooden desk the three shared. But none of the twins actually wrote or drew — or did anything with their hands besides clean and sew for that matter — so the desk was hers.

She opened a dusty drawer, grabbing piles and piles of drawings she's drawn in the last two years.

She dumped all the drawings on her bed, before looking through them frantically, her hands shuffling through them.

Finally, after scanning them all, she found the one she was looking for.

It was a man, with a crowd around him. He stood out in white, while the rest of the citizens were dark. What stood out more than him, was the symbol on his belt. She had drawn this two years ago, when she lived it Florence. She drew it the night of the first hanging she had ever attended. But it wouldn't be her last...

Was the man Luciana had met the night of the festival, the son of the man who was hung?

She remembered the day clearly, as if it had just happened.

It was as if she could hear the man in white yell "Father!"

Luciana began to rummage through her drawings again until her hands found another specific one. But this time, it was no man in a crowd. It was the symbol itself, drawn across the entire page.

The young woman's eyebrows squeezed together as she attempted to piece together what was going on. Then, she opened another drawer.

In the second drawer, she pulled out a wrinkly piece of paper that had been slightly ripped at its edges.

It was the letter her mother wrote to her.

All the clues seem to lead back to that night. The night of unfortunate events.

Luciana never looked at the letter after the day she found it. She usually hid it deep in her desk drawer. But this situation was different. She needed answers to questions she didn't even know to ask.

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