Eighteen: The Chapel

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The Vatican City

The sun slowly began to peek out from behind the earth as Luciana's eyelids slowly opened. She had fallen asleep on the ships deck a couple of hours ago while "keeping a look out". Ezio did not bother to wake her, assuming she needed the sleep.

"Rise and shine, testa sonnolenta (sleepy head)." He said from behind the ships large wheel. The spot he's been in the entire night.

The young woman sat up, running a hand through her hair as she yawned.

She turned to Ezio. "Have you been steering the whole night?" She asked, feeling bad for the young man, and guilty she had fallen asleep on the job.

He shrugged. "Maybe. But I feel fine. It is you who needed rest." He told her, turning the wheel so that the sails shifted, causing the ship to change direction. "We are almost there." He warned, pointing to their destination.

Far, and barely visible, stood the Vatican City.

Suddenly, the young woman get extremely nervous, and began to doubt herself in her mind. Something she often did. It reminded her of the time her friend Leonardo DiVinci asked her to draw for him. She knew she was capable of the art, but suddenly became nervous in the presence of such a master.

As the city got bigger in her vision, her confidence shrunk in her mind.

"What if I can't do this?" She asked, turning to Ezio.

The man rolled his eyes. "You can. And you must." He said sternly, letting go of the wheel, walking past her and approaching the dead guards.

He began to slip off their armour, before tossing the metal pieces at the young woman. She caught each piece, before sliding the armour on.

After the two had their bodies completely covered in shiny steel, they slipped on one last piece. The helmet.

It was the perfect disguise, that way the other guards wouldn't be able to recognize them as the Assassins they really were.

Ezio walked back over to the wheel, turning it as the ships began to approach the dock.

Luciana lowered the sails, tying them down to the walls of the ship again.

As the ship slowed down, and came to a halt in front of the wooden dock, the young woman tossed a long, thick rope down, before jumping out herself. After tying the rope to a wooden pole on the large dock, she climbed back up onto the ship.

"Now we must get through that door, and to the Apple." Ezio said through the helmet, which slightly muffled his voice.

Luciana looked at the wooden door, before quickly running into it shoulder first.

The impact did not hurt as much as it would have if she hadn't been wearing the armour.

Ezio laughed a little, before walking into the room and over the pieces of wood.

In the centre of the room laid a large chest, too big for them to carry.

Ezio began opening the chest, Luciana peering outside the door to make sure no one was coming yet.

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