Fifteen: The Bad News

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

At dawn, Luciana rose from the sheets of her bed and carried her tired self to the wooden chest that laid at the end of the bed.

She lifted the top, revealing the assassin ensemble and weapons that laid inside.

Luciana sighed to herself, before lifting them from the box and shutting it.

Minutes later, the young woman slipped the silk sleeping gown she wore off of her body, and put the black uniform on.

She threw the sword sheath over her shoulder, before inserting the sword inside of it.

Lucy then grabbed the hidden blade devices, slipping them over her fragile hands and onto her forearms.

As a test run, the young woman flared her hands backwards and watched as the blades quickly popped out from under her wrists.

She then grabbed her black ribbon off of her bed, tying her hair in a high ponytail before walking to the door of her chamber.

She was not happy that morning.

The events of the previous night left her heart broken, and she planned on using this feeling to improve her training.

Anger was now her friend.

The young woman twisted the handle of the back door, opening it to see Mario standing in the garden with Ezio. Who was too, wearing his assassin ensemble.

"What is this?" She called out, placing a hand on her hip as the two men who were in the small grassy yard turned around.

"Ah, good morning Luciana! I decided to train you two together, since he will be accompanying you on the mission." Mario explained.

The woman scoffed. "I think not." She answered. "I've decided it would be better to do this alone." She walked over to the two men. "So I don't have anyone holding me back." She crossed her arms, not making eye contact with Ezio who stood beside her.

"Luciana, let's talk about-" before Ezio could finish whispering his phrase, his uncle budded in.

"I thought we came upon an agreement?" Mario asked.

"I understand that it is not right to change the rules of an agreement, but I really think I should do this alone." She told the man, but he shook his head.

"It's either Ezio, or no mission. Choose." He said lastly and sternly.

The man waited for Luciana's answer.

She looked over at Ezio beside her, who had a troubled look in his eyes. As if he was hurting. Holding something back.

Little did she know, he was. His true feelings.

The young woman rolled her eyes, before nodding.

"Fine. Ezio may come." She answered.

Mario clapped his hands and smiled pleasingly. "Good! Because he will be the first person to train you. I have business to attend at the courthouse. Don't kill each other." He laughed, before walking passed the two.

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