Epilogue: The Ceremony

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Location unknown

Luciana walked up to the large fortress, her eyes admiring the structure.

Ezio stood beside her nervously.

He had been more nervous than she at that moment, which caused her to laugh. But little did she know, she would be the one trembling in her shoes.

The young woman took his hand in hers, giving it a small squeeze before continuing her way towards the fortress.

In front of the door stood a man. He wore a hood like Ezio, and other assassins. He was one of them.

Ezio nodded towards the man, and he nodded in response before opening the large door for the two.

Luciana's eyes looked beyond the opening door, finding several hooded forms standing.


They beckoned for her and Ezio to follow. Which they did.

The two entered the fortress, following the hooded figures through a series of halls. Her heart was racing with anticipation.

They walked down some stairs into an open area, the sound of chants echoing against the walls.

"Laa shay'a waqi'un moutlaq bale koulon moumkine. (Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.)"

A group of other hooded figures stood in a loose circle around a rectangular table in the centre.

At the end stood Mario Auditore, her mentor.

He smiled slightly at the sight of his two proudest accomplishments.

Ezio joined the circle of hooded figures, leaving Luciana in the middle by herself.

Mario then began to speak.

"Do you, Luciana Auditore da Monteriggioni, swear to honour our Brotherhood in the fight for freedom? To defend mankind against the Templars' tyranny, and preserve free will?"

The young woman answered without hesitation.

"I swear."

The mentor, Mario, nodded in approval before making his way over to Luciana. He softly grabbed hold of her right arm, removing the gauntlet from her wrist. He put the old instrument on the rectangular table, before taking hold of her bare hand. He set a two-pronged instrument over the young woman's ring finger.

She took a deep breath.

"Our own lives are nothing," Mario spoke. "The Apple is everything. The spirit of the Eagle will watch over the future."

Mario shoved the instrument down into the woman's finger, before blood gushed from her missing digit.

She bit her lip, refusing to cry, before Mario picked up a new hidden-blade, and placed it onto her arm.

Despite the pain, Luciana felt amazing.

"Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember..." Mario stopped.

"Nothing is true." The circle said in unison.

Mario spoke alone again.

"Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember," he paused.

They all spoke in sync again.

"Everything is permitted."

Luciana made the slight movement of her wrist, as she had been taught. With a metallic sound, the blade underside of her arm sprang forward to fill the gap left by the missing finger.

She looked up at her husband, Ezio, who seemed to now be the only person in the room to her.

"We work in the dark, to serve the light." She said with a smile. He returned.

Then, the last phrase was said as a group.

"We are Assassins."

Above them, an eagles cry echoed through the room.

She was finally, an assassin.


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