Five: The Sanctuary

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

Luciana awoke from her slumber to find that she was the only one in the bedroom.

She stretched her arms above her head, before swinging her legs over the side of her cot and hopping off onto the cool, wooden floor.

She shuffled her feet out of the bedroom, and into the small hallway. From the hallway, she could smell the scent of fresh cooked eggs.

Luciana made her way into the kitchen to find the twins eating breakfast. They had even prepared a plate for her.

"Wow, I did not know you women can cook." Luciana teased as she took her empty spot.

Giovanna and Valentina gave her an annoyed look.

"We had no choice! You wouldn't wake up." Valentina protested. "You must've been out late last night."

Luciana nodded, before taking a piece of egg and putting it in her mouth, chewing it. Once she swallowed, she began to speak again.

"I guess I was out pretty late. I had business to attend to."

The sisters looked at each other, before smirks began to form on each of their faces.

"Did you go meet with the assassin?!" Giovanna asked, not bothering to ask in a politer form.

Luciana almost choked on her egg. She did not like when people called Ezio 'the assassin'. He is a young, respectful man.

"Yes, I did go meet with Ezio. We had to speak about certain things."

Valentina poked in to the conversation.

"What kind of things?" She asked.

Luciana shrugged. "Things that you should not get involved in." The brunette insisted.

The twins lowered their eyebrows in sync, which reminded Luciana of how much she loathed when they did that. It creeped her out

"Are you meeting him today?" Giovanna asked nosily.

Luciana debated in her mind if she should answer truthfully. Surely, if she told them that she was going to see him soon, they'd make a big deal.

"No. But I am leaving in an hour or so. I have to go to the market."

The twins nodded, clearly bored by the conversation that was not about Ezio anymore.

Luciana sighed to herself. The less people that were involved, the less trouble it would be.

• • •

Around mid-day, after Luciana bathed herself and freshened up, she grabbed her hooded cloak and left the house.

She knew where the Villa Auditore was, considering it was the biggest home in the entire village, so she decided to just meet Ezio there instead of waiting for him at her house.

Once she reached the Villa, she walked up many steps, before reaching the top. She walked down the paved path, towards the large front doors.

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