Seven: The Ring

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

Luciana laid her cloak on her shoulders, before buttoning it below her neck. She then put her hood up, about to exit her home, when Giovanna called out to her.

"Luciana!" The blonde shouted.

Luciana turned on her heel to face her friend.

"Yes, Giovanna?"

"While you were out yesterday, Antonio came by looking for you."

Luciana felt her body stiffen. "What did he want?"

Giovanna shrugged. "He just wanted to speak to you. I asked him if he would like me to tell you, but he said it was private business."

Luciana stayed quiet. Perhaps Antonio came by to scold Luciana about her behaviour? Perhaps he was warning her that he was going to arrest her for threatening him?

"I do not know what he is talking about." The brunette turned to leave but Giovanna would not give the situation a rest.

"Are you seeing Antonio? Romantically?"

Luciana turned to face her companion again. "I assure you, Giovanna, that I am not seeing that man. And neither should you."

Before the blonde woman could question her friends answer, Luciana dashed out the door.

• • •

"What is wrong, Ezio?" The young man's mother, Maria, asked.

The assassin sat on his bed, his head in his hands as his mother towered above him.

"Luciana, mother. She will be infuriated that I just left her like that. Or tried to..."

Maria sighed, taking a seat next to her son on the large bed. "She will understand. You wanted to keep her safe."

Before Ezio could answer, a slight knock at the door was heard from the bedroom.

"I will get it!" Shouted Mario from his office. The older man walked to the large wooden door, opening it to see the polite woman he met yesterday standing in front of him.

"Luciana! What a pleasure to see you. I'm glad you did not have a cambiamento di mente (change of mind)." The man said, stepping aside to let the female in.

The young woman stepped into his ginormous house, before he closed the door behind her.

"Thank you for having me, signore Auditore. And I don't have a doubt in mind. I must do this."

Mario flashed her a smile. "Bene (good)! Ezio will be helping us today, just to get you started. He is sort of a beginner as well. He's been an assassin since seventeen, which was only two years ago."

Luciana stopped listening when the man said Ezio's name. "Ezio is here?"

Mario nodded.

The young assassin walked out of his bedroom, and into the hall where Luciana and Mario had been speaking. He was not wearing his usual assassin ensemble, but instead, a traditional Italian outfit that consisted of a baggy shirt and brown trousers.

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