Four: The Night on the Tower

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

Luciana walked through the dark streets of Monteriggioni with the hood of her cloak up. As usual.

She was making her way to the clock tower, the tallest building in her village.

She always wondered what the view was like from up there, and almost dared to climb it. But she knew her house-mates Giovanna and Valentina would have her head — metaphorically — if she even tried.

The brunette sighed as she turned her head, looking for the hooded figure named Ezio. After a few minutes, she pulled her sketch book out from under her arm and continued the drawing of the clock tower she began prior.

Just as she drew the numbers on the clock, she saw and hand grab the top of her book and snatch it from her. She looked up quickly to see Ezio Auditore da Firenze, holding her book.

"Ezio!" She gasped. "Please give it back."

Ezio flipped the book so that it was facing him, and began to flip through the pages. This made Luciana a bit angry, but at the same time, embarrassed. She never showed her work to anyone but Leonardo. But, not even Leonardo has seen the drawings of Ezio.
Also, surely he would recognize the drawings of him.

Finally, the young man stopped flipping and stared at a drawing.

Luciana didn't have to peek to know what he was looking at.

Ezio lowered his hood, revealing his face. It was late at night anyway, Luciana could barely see him herself.

"When did you draw this...?" He asked her, flipping her leather sketch book so the drawing of the hooded man in the crowd showed.

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about, Ezio..." she sighed, looking around the town square, noticing they were the only two. "I was there. When your family was hung."

Ezio's fingers gripped the book tightly. Luciana noticed the tips of his fingers turning white.

"Why. Did. You. Draw. This." He asked, actually...demanded, choking at each word.

"I...I don't know Ezio. I saw you. You stood out. And your belt..." she flipped the page for him, pointing at the symbol she drew over and over. "I felt drawn to it. Then I saw you at the festival, and I knew you were the man from the hanging." She explained, rather rambling. "My mother died that day too, Ezio. I know how you feel."

Ezio shook his head, closing the leather sketch book and handing it to her.

"What exactly did you want to talk about?" He asked, handing her the leather book.

"That! The symbol, what it means... why my mother died, why your family died... it is all linked together in one big nodo (knot)." Luciana explained. "I want answers as much as you do."

"Oh I have answers," he told her. "Templars."

Luciana's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "Templars?"

"The Templars are a monastic military order created to shape humanity in the shape of perfection. They emphasize control." Ezio explained to the young woman, who was now fascinated by this.

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