Forever and Always

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I see now. I'm assuming we'd be putting that power to good?"

"I know certain people would find pleasure in it."

"Mhm," I answered sarcastically. "Horton hears a lying bitch," I said under my breath. Harry punched me in the shoulder.

"Ouch! You twat!" I yelled.

He snickered. "Such colourful language!"

"ANYWAYS.." I said haughtily, "As for me, it would be something like the power to read faster, something I could use in real life. I mean, think about how easy it would be to read the History chapters and take notes! It would be a piece of cake!"

"Yeah that's because Mr. Assface gives us about twenty pages to read a night assuming, of course, we don't have a life outside of academics," He scoffed.

"And you're telling me about my language now? Hyp. Alright, ask me another."

"Hm.... Well Mr. Tomlinson, what do you want in a guy?"

"Damn," I said, surprised by his question. "I wasn't expecting that one. Ummmm. I guess I want the normal things. Someone who respects me, someone who has a good heart and is understanding and considerate of others. A guy who is preferably taller than me, though that's not all that difficult. A guy who can show me things that I haven't seen before. Ummm, " I paused. "A good listener, a good kisser, I mean, a really good kisser, a guy who will stand up for what he believes in and who will be true to himself regardless of what others think, and a guy who will love me for all my imperfections and faults, seeing as though I have infinitely many." I finished my response, and found myself looking at the sky. "What about you? What's important to you?"

He paused for a moment, searching for the right words.

"Well," he began, "I want someone who will keep it interesting. Someone I can have long conversations with and never run out of things to say, even if the communication is non-verbal. I want a guy who I can wake up to the next day and make me smile just by seeing their face. I want a guy who will respect me for who I am, and will also stand up for what they believe in. I want someone who will be faithful to me, and understanding of my past." I found myself hung on the last sentence. I wondered what kind of past he had, and if it was anything like my own.

"I guess, lastly, I want a guy who I can protect and call my own forever because I don't fall in love easily, and I don't fall out of love easily either."

I looked at him, finding myself at a loss for words.

"Wow Harry. That's just amazing.... you're brilliant really."

"Now you're just boosting my ego. I liked what you said a lot though. I think I'd be a good match for ya you know."

"I know you'd be damn well perfect for me."

"And you are bloody perfect for me," he said, tackling me into another one of his increasingly famous hugs.

"Hey now hey now, get off me you oaf!" I giggled, wrestling with him.

"Never," he said, putting his full weight on me. I was knocked back onto the ground despite my best efforts. He had me pinned.

"Now what?" I asked.

He didn't answer, he just kissed me for what seemed like the one thousandth time that night, but I didn't complain.

"Hello there son of mine. Please stop harassing the neighbours! It's dark and your bum now belongs in the house," I heard Harry's mum call from behind us.

"I wasn't harassing him! He was harassing me! Such a tease!" He joked and poked my nose.

He got off of me and pulled me to my feet. We walked into the house, Harry's mum locking the door behind us.

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