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I couldn't sleep.

It was usual to find me out of bed after curfew. This particular night I had already done my usual lap of the dungeons and I was still wide awake. So I took a risk and walked out from the dungeons and headed for the astronomy tower, keeping my eye out for Flich. Who luckily hasn't found me out yet. Ever. Just walking down the corridor on the  first floor minding my our business. I heard Flich shout. My head shot to were it was coming from. It shouted like it was coming from around the corner. Then I heard lots of people running. They were coming towards me. Actually they were coming at me. It was dark so I couldn't see who they were.
One of the shadows quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me away with them.
We didn't run much longer before all of them pushed me into a small room. Small enough to be a broom closet.
Now we had stopped running I grabbed my wand out of my back pocket.
"Lumos" finally I could see who it was. There in front of me was, James Potter, Peter Petigrew, Remus Lupin and of course Sirius Black. I stared at them with as much shock they stared me back with.
"What the actual fuck?" I shouted. They've all told me to shut up and James put his hand over my mouth. He turned to whisper to Sirius.
"Had to choose a Slytherin didn't you mate".
"Sorry pal" he whispered back.
James removed his hand but was still stood in the way of the door. Denying my exit.
"You owe me a new skull" he angrily said pushing me back further into the closet.
"That can be arranged" I replied.
I was glad his head still hurts him and his friends deserve everything they get after bullying my friends.

"guys stop it. This isn't what we're hear to talk about" said Sirius breaking the tension. Or at least trying to.
"Yeah why am I here?!" I said now looking at Sirius who diverted his eyes toward Remus. I turned to look at Remus. He looked nervous brushing his hand though his hair. "Uhh I. Uh we. We need your help with something"
I laughed "what makes you think I'm going to help you?"
James perked up. "If you don't we'll tell all your Slytherin friends that you've been dating Sirius" he smirked slightly adjusting his round black glasses.
"But I haven't"
"They won't believe you if you deny it"
"It's false Potter and you wouldn't dare"
"But I would Tomlin"
"Oh fuck off you dick!"
"Says the slag!"
"Right right that's it!" I shouted pulling out my wand and placing on his neck.
"Go on bad boy say that again!"
He didn't answer only squinted his eyes at me. My temper was boiling and if I could I would of killed him right there. If I was brave enough. Unfortunately for me I was surrounded my Gryffindors who got there wands out and pointed them at me.
"Three against one" I heard Peter say from behind.
"Yeah and who one last time twerp" I replied sharply.
I lowered my wand not because I was scared no. Because I knew it wouldn't go anywhere. Sirius looked sad, I felt bad more kissing him and him catching feelings and me not.
Ugh I do everything wrong! I was so close to killing James that if his friends weren't there I'm worried I might of. I really need to do something about my anger.
Next time I might not be so lucky. As I lowered my wands the boys did to, thank merlin.
"Right" said Remus. "I think Filch has gone now let's go find somewhere with more room please" he pushed in between me and James and lead out the door. We all followed him like lost sheep. I wanted to keep my distance from James so tried to stay at the back however Sirius seemed to also have my idea.
"I heard you're coming around for Christmas?" He questioned me, Regulus must of already of told him. I didn't answer.
"It's been a while hasn't it? Like two years? A lots changed since then"
"Yep" I replied bluntly.

"You were the only friend I was ever allowed to bring over did you know that?"
"Yes Sirius" I replied reakly not wanting to have this conversation with him.
The truth is we did date once only for a week during Christmas in second year. He was my first kiss in the December snow. But James didn't know it. No one does. I doubt Sirius even remembers. Since afterwards he turned into a total slag.

We carried on down the hallway until we reached outside and entered one of the greenhouses.  Remus stopped abruptly making walked into Peter who just turned around and stared at me while I smiled back.
"Why do I feel like I'm being lead to my death" I questioned James sniggered at me. I rolled my eyes back at his cockiness.

"No not that" answered Sirius.

"Right then lets' get down to business"

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