
Zuko was serving tea to one of his tables when he over heard a man complimenting his uncle's tea, "My Own tea shop???" Iroh gasped dropping a tea pot, "This is a dream come true!" Iroh shrieked. Pao suddenly rushed passed Zuko almost pushing him over, "What's going on here? Are you trying to poach my tea maker?" Pao exclaimed as he stood between Iroh and Quon, "Sorry Pao, that's business for you am I right?" Quon said happily. Pao tried to convince Iroh to stay but Quon won him over,  "I'll provide you with a new apartment in the upper ring. The Tea shop is yours to do whatever you want." Quon said in a matter of fact tone. Zuko raised his brow, "Complete creative freedom."Quon added, "I even get to name the shop?"Iroh asked excitedly. Quon smirked, "Of course". Iroh looked over at Zuko, "Did you hear that nephew! You should go tell Kohana the great news!"Iroh squealed, "Kohana?"Quon questioned, "Kohana as in the beautiful young girl with the lightly colored hair and eyes like fire?" Quon added. Zuko raised his brow, "Yes?"Zuko answered. Quon clapped his hands, "Oh, Kenji is a friend of mine and he is always talking about this Kohana girl, I'd love to meet her."Quon said with a smile. Iroh shook hands with Quon and the turned his gaze to Zuko, "We're moving!"Iroh grinned. Zuko slammed his tray down on a tabled, "I'll try to contain my joy."Zuko said in a grumpy tone before storming out of the tea shop.


Lillian engulfed her brother's in a bone crushing hug, "I don't believe it!" Lillian squealed. Shin and Shane both wrapped their arms around their little sister, "Believe it!" Shin said with a grin, "Even though we are so handsome that you could be dreaming."Shane said as he flexed his muscles. Lillian rolled her eyes, "More like spirit Koh ugly." Lillian smirked. The siblings all burst into laughter before Shane's face became serious, "We have news from Scarlet." Shane said in a cold voice. Shin nodded his head as he stood beside his brother, "Scarlet had a vision, a terrible one."Shin said in a worried tone, "About what?" Lillian asked. The brother's gave each others a glance, "We're not really sure. But she told us where you were and that you would need us so we presume that something might happen to you. We also have another mission " Shane said as he gripped Lillian's shoulders. Lillian's crimson eyes stared into Shane's golden yellow eyes, "But you can't tell the Prince and General that we are here." Shin said as his icy blue eyes stared between his sister and brother. Lillian nodded, "I understand." Lillian whispered, "We need to go. We'll see you soon Lil sis."Shin said as he ruffled Lillian's hair and Shane punched her arm lightly, "See you around boys." Lillian smiled. There was a sudden gasp when Lillian turned to face Ling with a large dreamy expression, "More tenshi! and they're TWINS!"Ling squealed before running off to the window to watch the twins leave. Lillian rolled her eyes, "Kids.."


"Good-bye Kohana! I'll see you tomorrow!"Ling called from inside the shop as Lillian closed the door. Lillian looked over at the tea shop to see Zuko leaning against the wall. Zuko seemed upset but when he lifted his head he gave Lillian a smile that made her tummy flutter. Zuko walked up to Lillian and held out his hand, "How was your day?"Zuko asked as Lillian took his hand and intertwined her fingers with his, "Surprisingly different, and yours?" Lillian asked with a smile. Zuko's face fell slightly, "It was... life changing you could say."Zuko said as he tightened his grip. Lillian raised her brow, "What's the matter?" Lillian whispered. Zuko brushed Lillian's question off as he felt the paper in his pocket, "It's nothing."Zuko said almost coldly. Lillian watched Zuko as his emotion's battled in his eyes, "Okay..."Lillian said. There was a few minutes of silence before Zuko took a deep breath, "We might be moving."Zuko said as he kept his eyes ahead, "Moving?"Lillian asked confused. Zuko nodded before coming to a complete stop, "Some rich earth kingdom man name Quon offered Uncle his own tea shop in the middle ring." Zuko said in an almost upset tone, "Wow, that's great news! Uncle must be so happy!"Lillian cheered as she clapped her hands. Zuko raised his brow, "You do know that we'll be moving right?" Zuko asked, "I know..."Lillian answered slightly sad, "But it's for the best. I mean, I could always visit Ling and Tania."Lillian said as she smiled at Zuko. Before Zuko could say anything, Lillian began walking again and pulling him along, "Come on slow poke."Lillian said with a grin.

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