Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Talia's POV

I was walking out to my car to get my phone cord out of there when someone came behind me and put they're hands over my eyes. There was absicelly no room in between us.

"Guess who?" I guessed who it was immadately.

"Ross." I said He removed his hands and turned me round.

"Damn your good at that." He smiled.

"What are you doing?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Thought we could go take a drive to a pizza place?" Ross asked.

"You know we can't."

"I know but do you?"

"That makes no since."

"Your right."

"Plus if the cops caught us then you would go to jail and I can't let that happen again."

"That's my problem."

"No it's mine to. Your problem's are mine too. I care about you there for I care about you getting arrested."

"Well that's nice and all but I can handle it ok. Riker and May are covering for us."



I started walking towards Ross's house.

"Please don't get mad at them." Ross was running after me.

"I can do what I want!"

"Talia! TALIA!! STOP!!" Ross managed to grabbed my arm.

"Let go!!" I yelled.



"Talia." He looked straight in my eyes.

"What's going on out here?" Riker asked walking outside May right behind him.

"Talia was gonna come yel at you guys." Ross said looking at his hand still holding my arm.

"Why?" May asked looking at me.

"Becasue...." I yanked my arm away from Ross and walked up to May. Riker looked at the ground guity. "You were gonna cover for me and Ross to go get pizza even though Ross could get arrested again. Why the hell would you do that?" I asked on the verge of yelling. Ross grabbed my arm. "STOP IT!!" He grabbed my arms and put them on my waist and wrapped his arms around my arms and waist and pulled me to him.

"Stop yelling you will get someone else to call the cops on you." Ross moved me back and forth to calm he down.

"Talia. We are sorrry. I just really want to help." May said

"Maybe you should stop trying." I said. Ross wouldn't let go.

"If you think about it. There is only 1 year and 2 days till you guys can date. Can't you atleaast just say hi to Ross every once and a while?" May asked.

"Not if it will get him arrested." Ross turned me around. He put his hand on my cheek and wiped the tears away.

"I would get arrested any day for you." Ross said.

"Good cause I hear cop sirens coming this way." Riker said. "May, Talia go home!!"

"Ok." May said she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of Ross's grip. Right then the cop drove up.

"Damn It." I said looking at May.

A/N: Sorry that it's sad!! I love this story!!!

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