Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Talia's POV

It has been a week since Ross has been in jail. I decided I was gonna go back to Arizona and visit May. I was packing when Tianna walked in.

"Hey." Tianna said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Just was coming to check on you."

"Thanks. I was just getting ready to get in my car and head to the airport."

"How long are you planning to be gone?" Tianna looked at my desk. "Wait... Where are all your pictures of Ross?" She looked at me concerned.

"Well I decided that since when he gets out we can't see eachother for a while after he gets out I thought maybe erase him from my mind until we can atleast talk." I looked at my bag.

"Talia erasing won't work."

"You don't think I know that. I have tried everything." I turned to looked at her.

"I know this is tough. I really want to be here for you. But you are shuting people out."

"I don't mean to."

"I know. We all know. All I'm saying is don't erase him because it's hard to replace true love." She walked out of my room. I looked over at the covered picture on my desk of me and Ross. we were at the concert and he was putting the jacket on me and Stormie took a picture. I looked at the jacket and put it in my bag. I looked atmy dresser. I walked over to it and opened the drawer where I put all the pictures. I found my favorite one where he was carrying me bridal style and I was laughing. There was another where I had my arms around his neck and he had his arms around my waist and I was looking up at him and he was looking down at me.

I slammed the dresser drawer but took the ones I just mentioned. I put them in my bag and zipped it up. I walked out downstairs and said goodbye to everyone. Tianna told me to call when she arrived and if I needed to talk.

I walked outside and put my bag in my car. I was leaving for a week so I guess there were bags. I looked over at Ross's house. Rydel's car started pulling up and I knew she just went to pick u Ross from jail. I hurried into my car and drove off.

Ross's POV

I walked up to my house Rydel behind me. I tried not to look at Trintiy staring at me. She huffed and walked in side. Rydel opened the door and everyone was standing including Laura.

"Ross I heard what happened. I'm so sorry." Laura said running up to give me a hug. I was about to ask where Talia was but then realized I couldn't see her for a while.

"Thanks." I said quietly. My mom walked up and gave me a hug. Riker looked down in guilt. Rocky and Ryland where staring at me.

"Welcome home buddy." Rocky said

"Yep." Ryland said.

"I think I need some air." I said and walked outside.

I was walking and I walked past Talia's house. I felt a hand on my arm. I turned to see Trinity.

"Trinity... What are you doing?" I said looking around for cops.

"There are no cops relax. Plus you can't see T.." Trinity started.

"Please don't." I said looking at her.

"Sorry. Anyway sorry for you having to go to jail." She said walking closer to me. She pulled a note out of her pocket. She handed it to me.

"What is this?" I asked.

"I letter from Talia." she said and walked back inside.

I kept walking and through the note on the ground. I couldn't do that to myself. I walked to the park. I was strolling when I bumped into Ryland.

"Ryland what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to follow you." He said making a guilty smile.


"Mom wanted me to follow you to make sure you didn't get into any trouble."

"Ryland. I got arrested because I kissed... My girlfriend." I said.

"I know that. You know that. But does mom know that? I don't know. You doon't know. Mom knows."

"Ok Rylnad I get it I know you know mom doesn't."

"Ok ok. If you promise not to get into any trouble I will leave you be?"

"I promise."

"Ok well I am gonna go see if that pretty girl over there wants to go on a date." Ryland ran off. I kept walking.

A/N This is just a filler. Not much. A better chapter will be coming out later. Hope you like this book. Comment and Vote.

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