Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Ross' POV
I was sitting in my room playing my guitar. I was making a song called say you'll stay (I know that songs old but lets just pretend it' not.) I was humming the song when Riker Walked in.
"Knocking is a thing." I said
"Yeah. So I was thinking we should talk about going on tour again soon?" Riker said.
"Because you should probably get away from Talia when she gets back home."
"She's not home?" I asked setting my guitar down.
"Yeah she went to Arizona for a while. You didn't know that?"
"No I didn't because my lovely family decided that it wasn't important." I stood up and starting walking around my room.
"Sorry but I thought maybe not having to think about the fact that she's not here is a good idea. Plus she just went to visit May."
"How do you know the whole plan?" I asked stepping towards Riker.
"We were hanging out while you were gone."
"You Were hangin out with my ex girlfriend... While I was in jail for kissing my ex girlfriend?" I started to get really mad.
"Ross chill."
"Never mind. Forget it." I walked out of my room.
"So tour?"
"I don't think I'm ready for tour Riker. I fell in love with girl who is 16 and I can' be with her."
"I get it. Sorry for pushing you." Riker said and turned towards his room.
I walked into the kitchen and Rydel was sitting at the table with Ellington laughing and holding hands. Ellington let go of her hand. She turned her head towards me. I was looking in the fridge for a lemonade. I was trying so hard to hold back the tears. Rydel cleared her throat.
"So what' up Ross?" Rydel said scratching the back of her neck.
"Nothing." I said opening the lemonade.
"Buddy do you want to go play basketball. Maybe just the two of us?" Ellington said.
"Save it. Ok. I don't need your fake caring."I said. I was walking away.
"Hold it Ross. We don't talk to Ellington like that." Rydel said standing up.
"No sit." Rydel pointed to the chair in between her and Ellington.
"Rydel it's ok." Ellington sad.
"No it's not. This is gonna end now."
"What ends now?" I asked
"This attitude. We all get that you miss Talia but this has gone to far. I don't' know about everyone else Ross but I'm not gonna go easy on you anymore. You need to get of your butt and work. Which means you need to commit to the band more, Do your chores and take care of your instruments because Ellington has been doing it for you and he will stop now." I looked at her in shock
"But Rydel..."
"No. I won't hear it. Do you understand me? Cause Ross I care about you to much to watch you do this for two more years."
"Yeah I get it. Thanks guys." I got up and walked out.
Rydel's POV
"Damn. I can't seem to be able to get through to him." I said sitting next to Ellington. He grabbed my hand.
"It takes time baby." He smiled and looked down at our hands.
Riker's POV
I was walking outside when a car drove up to Tali's house. Someone got out of the car. I saw the dirty blonde hair and knew it was Talia. Then a second girl got out and looked back and saw me. She looked at Talia and pointed. I looked at Talia and smiled. She dropped her bags and ran into my arms and hugged me tight.
"I missed you so much!" Talia said
"I missed you too." I said
"Riker?" I looked back and saw Ross.
"Ross." Talia said looking at the ground. May ran up to Talia and put her arm around her shoulder. Talia looked up at Ross.
"Your out of jail?" Talia
"Yeah." Ross started walking back to the house.
Talia headed back towards her house almost in tears. May stayed behind.
"I'm May." She said holding out her hand.
"Riker." I said
"Yeah. Look I was thinking maybe we should put in a word with the law people about letting Ross and Talia date."
"With all the respect I have. I don't think that is possible and even if we do we might go to jail and I know you don't want that."
"Look here mister know it all. You may be the leader of R5 and think you can tell people what to do there but this is real life and this is my BESTEST friends feelings we are talking about here and I may be only 15 but I think us 15 year olds can change the world." My stepped closer to me.
"Has anyone ever told you you are hot when you are mad?"
"Yeah you are totally right. 15 year olds can change the world."
"Thanks Riker." And then she was gone.

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