Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Me!!!

Chapter 7

Talia’s POV

~6 Months Later~

It’s been 2 days since I’ve talked to Ross. He is in Europe so he doesn’t have cell service. My mom called me downstairs.

“Yes Mom?” I asked

“Well we asked you all down here to tell you that we are moving.” My mom said. My sister’s and I jumped up.

“YES!!” We all said in unison.

“When are you gonna go look at houses?” Trinity asked.

“Well there’s more.” Marc said. We were all standing up.

“What?” I asked

“Well we are moving to LA.” My mom said

“YES!!!” I said screaming. Tianna and Trinity sat down.

“No.” They said.

“Why not?” My mom asked. I was tearing up.

“My friends are here.” Trinity said.

“Well there’s Skype.” I said

“My friends too.” Tianna said.

“Skype.” I said again.

“I don’t think so.” Tianna said.

“Please my boyfriends there.” I said a tear slid down my face.

“Well I’m staying.” Tianna said

“Me too!” Trinity said.

“Fine. But I’m going.” I said

“Why?” Tianna asked.

“Do you know what it’s like to be in a long distance relationship? Plus Ross is coming home from tour in 3 weeks and I want to be there.” I said

“Sorry.” She said

“It’s fine. I’m gonna go pack!” I said and ran upstairs.

~2 Weeks Later~

“Bye house.” All of us girls said. Mom and Marc made them come. Even though Tianna is 19 it doesn’t matter she had to.

We all got in the car for a 6 to 8 hour drive to LA. I was so happy. I had to leave May behind but she said she would visit a lot. We arrived at the house. I saw a tour bus. Ross was home early. Suddenly I got a call.

~Phone CONVO~

Talia: Hey Rossy.

Ross: Hey I’m home.

Talia: Awesome.

Ross: What are you up to?

Talia: Look outside.

~End Of Phone CONVO~

“Oh My God!!” Ross ran outside. I ran into his arms. He picked me up and spun me around.

“I missed you so much!” I said. He kissed me.

“Hey I want you to meet the rest.” Ross said.

“Ok.” He grabbed my hand. We walked inside and Rydel turned around.

“You must be Talia.” Rydel said walking up to me and hugged me.

“Yep that’s me.” I said.

“So nice to meet you. Ross would talk about you non Stop!! Now I know why.” Rydel said hitting Ross’s arm.

“Everyone DOWNSTAIRS!!” Ross yelled. Everyone came downstairs. “Everyone this is Talia. Talia this is well you know.” He said.

“Stormie.. Nice to meet you sweetie.” Stormie said coming up and shaking my hand.

“Mark.” Mark said.

There was knock at the door. Riker went to get it. He came back with Marc.

“Marc…. What are you doing here?” I asked. Then a police came in.

“What?” Ross said.

“Ms. Talia and Mr. Ross. I’m informed that you two are dating.” The cop said. Ross grabbed my hand.

“Yes.” Ross said.

“Well I’m sorry but Talia your 16 and Ross is 18 which means it’s illegal.”

“It’s ok.”

“Sorry but Talia. Ross you have to break up by tomorrow or Ross I will have to arrest you.” The cop said.

“Wait a minute… That’s not right.” Marc said. I started crying. I knelt to the ground and Ross did too.

“I agree.” Mark said

“It’s the law.” The cop said

“Do you see what you are doing to them?” Mark said.

“Yes. In two years they can start dating again.” the cop said.

“I will not be treated like a child.” Ross said standing up. He stepped closer to the cop. I got up and ran out the door.

Ross’s POV

Rydel started crying. Ellington pulled her into a hug.

“TALIA!” I yelled.

“Sorry sir but tomorrow.” The cop said. I ran after Talia. I looked around and saw her standing under a tree.

“Talia.” I said trying not to cry.

“They can’t do this.” Talia said.

“I know baby.” I said. I kissed her. Suddenly someone grabbed my wrist. I looked back and saw the cop. He punched me and the last thing I heard was Talia screaming my name and then everything went black.

A/N I was shaking as I wrote this chapter!! This was really hard. Comment and vote!!

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