"Why the hell are you hiding in a bush?"

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"You're a creep, you idiot!" Hoseok paced back and forth in front of the shops far away from the others on the beach. He couldn't help beating himself up for how awkward and weird he was towards [Y/n]. "She'll never like me with how creepy I am!" Hoseok stormed off to a bench in front of a bush behind some of the shops.

Glaring at the ground, Hoseok mumbled all that was wrong with all the boys with an eye on [Y/n]. "Namjoon's pictures should've been evidence enough to keep her away from him. I know stupid Jungkook had to meddle into this somehow.... god... did he ruin my lie about Yoongi being after her too?"

"Wait what?!"

Heart pound a mile a minute, Hoseok leapt off the seat and spun around to face the voice that spoke from inside the bush. The bush shook and revealed a shocked Taehyung.

"Tae! What the fuck?!"

"Don't 'What the fuck' me! Why'd you lie to my [Y/n]bear?"

"She's not your [Y/n]bear! and why the hell are you hiding in a bush?"

"You guys have been weird and I've been following [Y/n] around for awhile to figure everything out. I just started following you right now. Why lie to her?"

"Wait, you were close by when Jungkook and Namjoon were with her just now?"

"Well yeah..."

Hoseok moved close to Taehyung, grasping onto his shirt in desperation Hoseok begged "Please, you have to tell me what they talked about!"

Taehyung pushed Hoseok's hands off his shirt, "They wanted to bet on Jackson smuggling animals.. and honestly twenty is such a low number. I bet he could get at least thirty, if the animals are small enough. He's quite creative with hiding stuff so I bet-" in anger Hoseok shoved Taehyung causing him to fall back into the bush he had been hiding in. "What the hell!"

"I don't care about Jackson! I don't care about any guys close to her! I only care about her! God, you're such an idiot Taehyung!" Hoseok stormed off back towards the beach, since Taehyung couldn't tell him anything important.

Leaving Taehyung sprawled out on the bush, Hoseok missed the smirk and chuckle Taehyung let out. "Yep Hoseok. I'm an idiot... but this idiot knows everything about everyone and I won't let you do anything to ruin what I want. I'm not gonna let you ruin my ship."

[Y/n]'s POV

"We definitely need a plan..." Namjoon murmured as he glanced over to [Y/n] and Jungkook. "To try and find out Hoseok's plan."

[Y/n] let out a small sigh, "Maybe I should stick around him? I can pretend like I think you and Yoongi are creepy and that I believe him one hundred percent.."

"Well... While that sounds like a good plan.. I doubt he'll let you in on what he's trying to do with you, [Y/n].." Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of another plan. "We can follow him around?"

"Fuckin' amateurs." spoke a voice behind the trio.

The three spun around to face a smiling Taehyung with twigs and leaves stuck to his shirt and hair, "Oh, fuck! Jeez Tae! You scared me!" gasped Namjoon as he held a hand to his chest over his heart.

[Y/n], seeing all the twigs stuck to Taehyung moved to pick them off his shirt and dust the dirt off him. Taehyung smiles down at her before looking up to address Namjoon, "Sorry Nams." Taehyung patted Namjoon on the back. "But really though, following around? That's kids play, honestly."

Jungkook sent a strange expression towards Taehyung's way, "Dude, I've watched you follow people around though?"

Waving a hand in Jungkook's direction, Taehyung continued, "Irrelevant. If were really gonna find out Hoseokie Cookie's plan, we gotta do more. I'm talking tapping his phone, Hacking his accounts, Breaking and entering. The real deal guys.."

"Ok, no." Namjoon quickly shut down Taehyung, "We don't need to go to that extent of crime." Taehyung huffed a hesitant agreement as he looked down at the sand pouting.

"How do you know this is about Hoseok, Tae?" [Y/n] questioned as she looked up at the taller boy.

"Because my dear [Y/n]bear, I've been following all this drama in your life. If you want to get to the bottom of this you're gonna need me, I've been sneaking around and eavesdropping on you guys so I know the secret all of you are keeping. Plus I just heard Hoseok talking about how you shouldn't be into Namjoon and that Jungkook was a Scooby Doo character and that he probs told you about how Yoongs is."

"Scooby Doo character? Yoongs?" Jungkook was obviously confused as he stared at Tae in wonder.

"Meddling kids, Jungkook, as in 'and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids' and how are you gonna question me on Yoongs when I just called Hoseok, Hoseokie Cookie? Thats much more weird than calling Yoongi, Yoongs. Check yourself Jungkook before you wreck yourself."


another update thats like super late. idk what ive made tae's character. i think im going for a sneaky and smart but weird character i guess lol i forgot to post this last week but i had a family reunion at the time.

also if you dont get what tae means is that he ships nams and the reader together

also idk why i make hobi the mean character like hes my sun and son???


Love you

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