"We're your ride!"

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What [Y/n] though would be a short term friend dispute, ended up being a drawled out drama that [Y/n] found aggravating. Jaebum stood firm on the actions he took against [Y/n] and Jackson, not allowing any of the remaining five members to talk to the two. Months had pasted, yet Jaebum refused to speak to either of them, of course the other member of got7 tried to listen to their leader's orders, but often they would slip up and make small talk with the two outcasted friends. Usually the main one to break the ignoring rule was Yugyeom, being that he had all classes with [Y/n] and she was his favorite person to talk to. As the time went on [Y/n] and Jackson grew closer with the bts members. Jackson and Namjoon were the best of friends and [Y/n] and Namjoon were growing close in a more than friendly way.

The halls of the school were full of students and loud talking filled the air. Everyone was hyped for their one week break off of school. [Y/n] was particularly happy because by the end of the day she, accompanied by Jackson and the b.a.p group, was heading up to where her brother, Yongguk lived for his college stay. There they would spend the whole break catching up with one another. [Y/n] attended all her classes happily even though the majority of her classes had tests to take and projects to turn in. Soon the final bell rang and [Y/n] excitedly ran to Jackson's car with Namjoon, who she pulled along by his wrist, trailing behind her.

"Calm down [Y/n]!" Namjoon said smirking at the excited girl, who could hardly contain herself.

"I cant help it! I'm gonna see my big brother!" [Y/n] smiled wide as she wrapped her arms around Namjoon's neck pulling him into a hug that he happily returned.

Namjoon laughed at his giddy friend just as Jackson approached the two and the three got in the car, from there they were driven to their respective homes. [Y/n] had her bags packed and moved in the living room, with the help of her stepdad and brother. [Y/n]'s mom held a plate of sweets for her oldest to have. Due to work the rest of the family was to come up for a visit on Thursday. As she was waiting Jackson sent [Y/n] a call.

[Y/n]: Hello? Jackson?

Jackson: So change of plans...

[Y/n]: What do you mean?

Jackson: Well I'm not going. Mom wants a family vacation, but no worries!! I got a ride for you! It's just not with anyone of b.a.p...

[Y/n]: Who is it?

Jackson: You'll see!!

With that Jackson hung up. [Y/n] sat on her couch in confusion. who is taking me? Before [Y/n] could really think about it, there was a knock on her door. [Y/n] stood up and quickly answered it before anyone else could. It was Jungkook, with a huge smile on his face. There was a van parked outside of her house behind him. "Hey [Y/n]!"

"Oh.. Hey Jungkook..? Why are you here?"

"We're your ride! We're going up to see our friend who goes to the same college as your brother! Jackson told us how he can't take you and since I knew we were headed there I thought let's bring you with us!" Jungkook pulled [Y/n] into a tight hug as he finished his explanation.

[Y/n] let Jungkook inside her home to help her take her bags to the van. Opening the truck of the van [Y/n] could see the members all inside. They all greeted in unison. the only person that [Y/n] could see was the driver, but she knew for a fact it wasn't the bts boys that went to her school. Must be their friend. [Y/n] said goodbye to her family while Jungkook closed up the trunk. Jungkook lead [Y/n] to the passengers side of the car. Trying to look at the driver proved impossible with the tinted windows Jungkook opened the door for [Y/n] and sitting in the drive seat was none other than [Y/n]'s first love.

Staring at the smiling guy in shock all [Y/n] could do was gasp before taking a step back. "Seokjin?!"

Seokjin's smile widened, "Hello, [Y/n]."

Not my usual chapter length, but yay~ Seokjin's character is finally introduced! If you don't remember Zelo brought it up in an earlier chapter (chapter 5 "The Silent Treatment") Hope you enjoyed


Love you

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