"Then stay away from Got7"

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The trio sat at the booth, happily engaging in conversation when a familiar figure walked into the cafe. [Y/n] and Jackson stiffened at the new presence in the small cafe.

Jaebum lazily gazed around the cafe. He spotted [Y/n] and Jackson and made his way over to them, "[Y/n]? Jackson? Is that you?" Jaebum wore a fake smile as he pretended not to know that they would be at the cafe he followed them too. Glancing down at Namjoon, Jaebum lost his smile. "Oh and who do we have here?" Jaebum sends a glare down at his two friends, "Why hello Namjoon! How are you this evening?" Jaebum sits down next to Namjoon. Jackson takes hold of [Y/n]'s hand and squeezes it in support, knowing what is about to enfold in this small cafe. [Y/n] keeps her eyes glued to the table. Jaebum never said it was alright to hang out with Namjoon, he only apologized for ignoring her.

"Um.. I'm good. Thank you for asking... What about you?" Namjoon awkwardly responses, despite feeling the obvious tension in the air between the friends.

"Oh? Me? Well, Namjoon, I'm not doing too well... You see, I asked my friends to stay away from freaks, but it seems to me that they can't listen. Funny isn't it?" The table sat in stunned silence. It was painfully obvious that Jaebum was referring to Namjoon as a 'freak'.

"JB!" [Y/n] spoke panicky, embarrassed that her friend spoke like that to someone, "Think before you speak, don't be rude to others!"

Jaebum glared at the girl across from him before he stood up to hover over her, "Think before I speak? Think before I speak?!" Jaebum raised his voice causing other customers to stare at the four in worry for the girl who had sparked the towering boy's anger. "No, [Y/n]! Why don't you stop going behind my back, against my word! I told you specifically not to talk to Namjoon and what do you do?! You. Fucking. Talked. To him." Jaebum throws a glare towards Namjoon's direction.

"I'm allowed to have friends, Jaebum!" [Y/n] snapped glaring at her friend. "Just because you told me to do something hardly means I'm going to do it. You don't own me Jaebum."

"Jackson." Jaebum called causing Jackson's figure to straight up and look towards his angry friend, "Come on. We're going."

Jaebum turned to leave, but Jackson's voice stopped him, "Actually JB... I don't think it's right to get mad at [Y/n] for wanting to make friends..."

"You don't see the problem?!" Jaebum slammed his hands down on the table causing the small cafe to be engulfed in silence. "Well I'll tell you the problem! I am the leader of our group and [Y/n] and now you are going against my orders! Namjoon is a freak! He is definitely creeping up on [Y/n] and all she's doing is welcoming it!" Jaebum turns his anger back to [Y/n], "When the stalker finally goes psycho on you don't come crying to me!" Finally glancing at the reason for Jaebum's anger he spat down at the quiet Namjoon, "I know what you're up to you crazy fucker and don't think for a second I'll let you go through with it!" Glaring at the three sitting Jaebum finally says, "I'm leaving. You better stand up to follow me right now, if you know what's good for you..."

"No Jaebum! I'm not going with you! Where do you get off telling us what we can and can't do!" [Y/n] snapped, refusing to follow her friend's demand.

Jackson sighs looking down at the table, ignoring Jaebum's gaze, "I'm sorry man, but   [Y/n]'s my best friend. I'm not just gonna up and leave her here."

"Fine." Jaebum snarled down at the two, "since you can't follow my demand, maybe you can follow this simple order, Stay away from got7." With that Jaebum turns and briskly exits the cafe leaving the shocked group where they sat.

[Y/n] stares down at the shiny wooden table, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Sensing his friend's grief, Jackson wraps an arm around [Y/n]'s shoulder pulling her into a side hug, "Let's get you home, pretty lady." Silently the three pay and exit the cafe as they ignored the murmurs of gossiping customers. The ride to [Y/n]'s home was silent. Jackson pulled up in front of [Y/n] two story home. He got out of the car and went around to the other side of his car to help [Y/n] exit. Namjoon quietly watched the two interact as he waits for [Y/n] to exit the car. Jackson walks [Y/n] and Namjoon into the home as if it was his. "Mom were home!" Jackson called out causing [Y/n] to snap out of her state of mind and for her to glare at her friend.

"I told you before, don't call my mom your mom!" [Y/n] pushes Jackson away from her and glares at him. [Y/n] turns to Namjoon, "Well welcome to my home, make yourself comfortable!" [Y/n] smiles before escorting the two into the game room in the spacious house. Once near the room the three could hear the sounds from a war video game playing loudly and the voices of boys.

Jackson ran ahead screaming, "Dino!~"

[Y/n] and Namjoon could hear the voice in the other room greet Jackson. [Y/n] sighed, "I swear I sometimes wonder if Jackson is here for me or my little brother..." [Y/n] pulled Namjoon along the rest of the way and the two entered a room full of loud boys playing nonstop video games, Jackson now happily apart of the group as if forgetting the whole drama between Jaebum and him and [Y/n] even happened just moments before. "Jackson." [Y/n] sighed at her childish friend, "Did nothing happen at the cafe?"

"What happened at the cafe?" Questioned Chan, otherwise known as Dino, [Y/n]'s little brother.

"Oh what didn't happen..." Jackson said leaning back against Hansol, causing Hansol to push Jackson away.

I wrote this mostly at a party, what is wrong with me?? Anyways happy 2016!!


Love you xx

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