True Colors

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Everyone laughed and joke as they were about to pile into the separate cars so they could prepare to make their way back to Yongguk and Seokjin's apartment complex, before anyone could get in the car Yoongi's voice stopped them. "What the fuck does that mean?" Everybody turned to see what Yoongi was talking about and everyone met the view of their friend staring down, in confusion, at his phone.

"what's up?" Himchan questioned.

"Jinyeong just texted me 'when i call no one talk.' Why would he even text me?"

"Maybe we should listen to him?" Yongguk spoke as he motioned for Yoongi to get in the van. "It might be important. Put it on speaker."

Yoongi hopped in the can followed by everyone else, eager to hear what was happening, no one complained about the cramped space. Everyone watched Yoongi send a text back and they waited in silence, before the phone silently went off. Following what was directed to him, Yoongi placed the call on speaker phone. Everyone immediately could hear Jaebum calling Namjoon out for being a creep to [Y/n].

"He couldn't even handle her! [Y/n] is mine and he needs to learn some respect for our relationship!"

Everyone in the car sent a concerned look to [Y/n] as she stared at the phone, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Everyone's gaze turned back to the phone as a nee and crazily familiar voice entered the conversation.

"What relationship?" The voice was clearly Jackson. Why he was there? No one knew.

"You're awake?!"

"It would appear so Jaebum. I guess you punching me square in the face only proved my statement from earlier from before you attacked. You're not ever going to get her. She isn't stupid. She knows how fucked you are."

Everyone looked at [Y/n] as she looked close to tears. Namjoon felt his heart ache for the girl of his dreams. He knew she deserved none of this.  Suddenly Jaebum started screaming insults and he yelled swears to the high heavens. Everyone hearing this over the phone could only imagine the horror the ones with Jaebum were enduring.

"You dont even know anything Jackson! [Y/n] is mine and she'll always be mine!"

Just like by how quick the call was made the call was then hung up causing everyone to sit in shocked silence, not quite grasping what the all had just heard.

"You dont even know anything Jackson! [Y/n] is mine and she'll always be mine!"

[Y/n] sat in shock. Why was he being like this? Was he always like this? [Y/n] felt the tears fall down her cheeks. Did he ever value their friendship or was she just a possession to him?

Things weren't always like this. At least [Y/n] thought they weren't.

-Flashback- (kinda..?)

[Y/n] met Jaebum when she was 13 and he 15. The friendship wasn't initiated by Jackson, but it had been by Jaebum. Jaebum, from the start, was always there for [Y/n]. He would play games with her and he would stand by her side, always. He was the one who introduced her to the rest on Got7 and he had been the one to hold her after her break up with her boyfriend, Jiho.

Now that Jaebum seemed to think of [Y/n] as solely his it made her wonder, was she always just his possession? Was their friendship ever real? [Y/n] knew that she would have to communicate with Jaebum at some point, but she wanted to put it off for as long as she could. She certainly didn't want to cry in front of him. She didn't want to give him the pleasure in seeing her in pain because of him.

[Y/n] tried to keep her tears from falling, but unfortunately they fell regardless of her wishes. [Y/n] longed for Jackson to be next to her, but she knew he couldn't be, because for some reason, one that she couldn't understand, Jackson was with Jaebum. Of course the two were obviously fighting and clearly not on good terms, but she had no idea why they would be together at this point in time. Feeling sad and broken, the crying girl longed for a hug and when arms wrapped around her, she glanced up to look at Yongguk, only it wasn't her older brother holding her, but Namjoon.

Namjoon gave [Y/n] a shy smile as he squeezed her in comfort and at that moment as [Y/n] sat flushed against Namjoon, wrapped in his strong hold, [Y/n] didn't see her schoolmate or her friend or even her next door neighbor, but her Prince Charming. Her savior. [Y/n] suddenly didn't care that Jaebum found a way to prove Namjoon to be a creep because she didn't care what he did because the Namjoon that held her as she cried was the real Namjoon and [Y/n] could feel this in her heart and in her soul. Namjoon was her home and she was going to hold onto her home no matter what happened to the two.

Slightly late update sorry about that! I wanna say i was busy but really i was talking to a guy.. btw if you want to follow me on tumblr two of my accounts are:


Love you

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