Chapter 6: Reasons

Comincia dall'inizio

I searched upstairs and finally opened mum's bedroom door.



"Mum! No! No! Don't leave me!!".


She hung her self just because of that guy, Kim.

I found everything about what happened in his office. What it actually meant by his PERSONAL assistant.
I would usually see, marks on my mum's body but she'd lie. Telling me it's just side affects of her sickness. I wasn't dumb either, I knew what was going on, I knew the marks on her body were hickeys and scratches. She always hid it from me, wearing long clothes and scarfs to hide it.

She couldn't take it anymore and killed herself. Leaving me all alone. Now I have no one. My dad divorced my mum and left a long time ago and my mum suicided.all I have now are my friends and my loving grandmother, that's it.

The day I found out the reason behind her death, I wanted to burn down Kim's entire place, leaving his wealth in ashes. But that wouldn't matter to him at all. The Kim Family ruined my life, ruined my mum completely. Turned our life's upside down but I swear to return the favours back. I'll do the exact things to his daughter, I'll make sure she ends up broken. Just like a toy. I will make her my puppet and control her just like her dad did to my mum. Mum was helpless and he took advantage of her...I'll do the same with Jennie. I'll make her spread her legs for me, I'll make her life so miserable that she'll beg me to kill her but I won't.

I'll avenge my mum, by destroying the one thing Kim loves most in the world and that's his daughter.

Before it was his time, now it's my turn.


Morning : 7.20am

Jennie's POV

The sunshine hit my face, causing me to wake up. I sat on the bed, my eyes still a bit blurry and the surroundings a bit unfamiliar. I yawned when my visions came back.


I was still at that devil's residence and even fell asleep on the bed.

"Shit! I had to escape in the night".

How could have I fallen asleep, ughhh.
I'm so stupid.

I rushed off the bed and did my morning routine as fast as possible,
I never knew he would be this organised. I mean he had placed a tooth brush, towel, even clothes in the wardrobe accompanied by lace lingerie.

Quickly taking a warm shower, I changed into some red lingerie covered with short denim shorts and a black crop top.

I couldn't find any shoes so decide to run bare feet. I just need to escape this place.

The first thing i did was turn the knob.
To my expectations, it was locked.
That is when I realised the window located in the room.

Quietly, I opened the window revealing an amazing scenery of nature. The only problem was that this room was located on the second floor. I gasped at the height while thinking for an idea.

Got it.

I can jump, besides it's not that much of a distance, I might dislocate a muscle but I'll survive. At least it'll be better than here.

With this thought, I fixed myself in a sitting position at the edge of the window seal and jumped

"Ahh, ouch".

Shit! I landed on my feet and I think i kinda sprained my right ankle.
Anything but why the ankle??? Why?

I somehow managed to get up. With my limping leg, I dragged my self towards the large metal gate and exited.

Yessssss, yes, yes.

Excitement hit me at my victory. That was easier than I thought. I thought he said he won't let me escape and blah, blah, blah but who gives a damn, I just wanna escape this place.

Feeling relieved and slightly happy, I forgot all about the pain in my ankle. Now I was slightly running, following the only path in this gigantic forest like woods hoping to find help.

The only problem was I didn't know where I was or where he brought me to. The best idea I was left with was to follow the road like path and finally reach at the highway or even a town or something. I just need help. I need to inform Taehyung.

I quickened my pace, thinking of that one person on my mind, Taehyung. Knowing Jimin might be searching for me, this morning, I began running with my ankle gathering the pain again.

My heart pounded when the flashback of his rules rushed through my head.

I know him. He can't do anything to me.

He won't really hurt me, right?

To be continued...

Authors note
Yes i haven't updated in a while but now I'll a set a date for myself to update each story more often.

Hope y'all like that
And keep reading fam❤️

You and Me || JM ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora