Chapter Twenty Six-I know what you did in the dark!

Start from the beginning

-Why not,Alexito?Why!?-Tasarov said.-Alexito...-he smiled.-Isnt that how she called you?-he asked him and walked towards him.

-Just..shut up..-Alex tried to hide the pain he had.

-I wish i could...But..You see when you meet the guy who killed your daughters...You just can't... -said Tasarov and my eyes opened as much as they could.

Was that right what i heard..Was i just imaging things?

-You know...When i saw you with Bryan.I didn't realized you were him,but when we got in to the car...Your stupid,mother fucking face flashed trough my eyes and i knew i had to get back to you....And when i did you were both gone...So i knew i can find you.-he said anx kicked Alex so hard he collapsed on the floor.-There is no way im going to forget what you did,you fucking idiot!-he yelled and kicked Alex as hard as he could.

I didn't get it...I didn't believe it...I was shocked and i was going to pass away but then i saw Alex lying on the floor covered in blood and i saw my phone beside my leg and i tried to think of something so fall on my knees and started crying so he would stop and i quickly reached my phone and called Bryan,but his security guards grabbed me and made me stood up and i left my phone on the ground.

-How do you feel,Alexito?-Tasarov asked Alex after he tried to murder him.

-Pretty...much alive..-said Alex slowly and smiled,but he was not fine or alive.

-Shut up!!-Tasarov yelled and kicked him again this time as hard as he could. -How...can you lead them to that?-Tasarov asked Alex and got to the floor so he can hear Alex.

-How can you kill them,both of them?Was that kind of payback to me?-He said and grabbed Alex and wanted to choke him.

-Was....i..not.-Alex tried to say something with his bleeding mouth. -Not..clear the first time...

-No you weren't!-Yelled Tasarov and banged Alex's head from the floor  and this time i felt it i felt it like it was the end.

-You are just a schmuck that is no better than..

-You..-said Alex..-You were like me,Tasarov... Don't denie it.

-Shut  your fucking mouth!-Tasarov kicked Alex and turned him on the other side.And in that time i heard a loud shot and when i turned around i saw one of the quards fall and u turned around to see who it was,but instead of that i saw the guards fall and some if them trying to find who was the shooter.

After just two guards were left from the darkness i saw Bryan coming out with a gun and the guards targeted him and waited for Tasarov to give them an order.

-Hello..You didn't invite me to your little meet up?-Bryan said and stood next to me.

-Bryan..I never knew that you'll group up...-said Tasarov.-But this is between me and your precious Alex.

-I don't care..His fight is mine...-said Bryan and i saw a knife in his pocket.

-Thats so awesome...Maybe you can have one grave for both of you!-said Tasarov and looked at his men.-Now shot him!

And i grabbed his knife and i tried to concentrate on Tasarov's head but instead of him i stabbed one of the security men in the eye.

While Bryan was shooting at Tasarov and his one security men who were running away  i ran towards Alexander and i helped him to stood up.

-Are you okay?-i asked Alex and he smiled at me with his purple face.-I bet your not..

-Is he okay?-Bryan asked.-What happened?

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