Chapter: 15 Words Have Meaning (Edited)

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Chapter: 15

Kalila's POV:

Malik's presence was a surprise to me. It was really late and I didn't think Malik was even up. Including Altair would still be up. This was great. I didn't expect for this to happen especially since Altair was being such a nuisance and a bother to ask me about why I would run out like that without saying anything to either of them. Altair asked with a narrow look, "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to overhear what Kalila was saying to you. I only piece the puzzle pieces together and figure out what her goal was." Malik seems smug as he looks over at Altair.

Altair only rolled his eyes while not saying anything. I was quiet as well. Malik look over at me with a quizzical look before asking me, "So, what will it be? Join us and learn the proper ways of destroying those fools that take everything away from the innocents."

"But why?" I asked them with a raised eyebrow as I was confused and not knowing if I should. If my freedom would be taken away from me or if it would stay the same.

"Kalila, take the offer because I will keep going after you and bringing you back here until you say yes." Typical Altair and his threats.

I gave him a look, "You should know by now that your threats have no impact on me."

"Really? I just brought you back. Now, didn't I?" He asked with a cocky smirk.

"I let you!" I shouted at him.

"Ha! As if!" He growled out to me.

"Enough!" Malik snapped at both of us as we look over at him. His eyebrow was actually twitching with annoyance. He looks really angry, but when he spoke again. His voice was calm, but it seems tight with his anger, "It's Kalila's choice. It's always choice with always. We protect the innocence from those Templar's that seek to put everyone underneath their control. We give people their freedom."

Altair gave him a narrow look before asking him, "Do we really?"

I was confused in what he meant, but Malik seems ready to punch him. Altair looks away and all I could see was a trouble looking boy standing in front of me. Do I look like that as well? I wasn't sure about any of this, but it did make me pause for a brief moment. A soft sigh escapes from my lips while I look over at Malik. To find him looking at me with a soft expression and his anger was gone, "I don't know. It seems ideal enough, but daunting as well."

"It made seem intimidating, but you have us to guide you on your path if you want our resources to hunt down those who did you wrong," Malik suggested while giving me a smile.

He did have a point and it seems that they have more resources and ways to find out where those Templar jerks were. Now, the real question was. Was I going to join them? Give my whole self over to this life? Altair actually spoke softly, "It's a new start for a new chapter in your life."

Even Malik seems surprised, but suspicious as well. Altair did have another point as well and finally coming to a conclusion. I nodded my head, "Very well, but don't make me regret my decision."

"Good. We'll start your training in the morning then." Malik ended up looking quite pleased and even Altair did as well. I wanted to start now. I wanted to know more about what they learn about Ehsan. The need to know was great, but I could see that they were both tired from whatever they were doing while I was trying to escape again. I didn't anticipate that Altair was going to be up, but I should have known better.

What will this assassin life hold for me?


"Come on, Kalila!" Altair snapped at me as he pushes me away harshly with his sword that had clashed with mine in a struggle.

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