Part I: Hidden Secrets

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(Nicole's p.o.v)

        I stood in the bathroom, gazing at myself through the mirror. I didn't feel like myself. I wasn't myself. Every day of school, I would have to wear hats to cover my ears, dresses to cover my tail, and put colored contacts in my eyes so people don't find out my secret. Though it's been working all these years and I am now a sophomore in high school. Just three more years left until I am finally free from hiding.

I straightened my long, black hair and put it in a braid behind my back. I then put on my small hat that I loved to wear because it fit perfectly around my ears. I tilted my head down a little bit, the hat covering my eyes. I looked up and smiled, taking my hair out of the braid and letting it flow past my shoulders, over my chest. 

I then walked through the hallway and arrived in my room. I sifted through my closet, looking through the different dresses I could wear. I finally picked out a pretty silver dress. It had long silky sleeves and I easily slipped it on over my head. I looked at myself in the mirror and spun around. The silk dress flowed close to my ankles. It seems good enough for today.

As I left my room and began down the hallway, Kira, my little sister, darted past me through the hall. I dodged out of her way quickly as she skidded around the corner and dashed into the kitchen, her light gray tail flowing behind her.

"Kira, you forgot to cover your tail!" I called after her. I sighed when she didn't answer. Sometimes having a little sister could be a real pain, but it was mostly worth it. I could remember times when we used to have our mom drive us out to the field outside of town and we would run through carelessly. I would lift her up in the air and we would laugh together, enjoying the freedom. Sometimes we would even stay till' night, and lay side by side in the grass on the hill, looking up at the stars.

As always, Kira would point out the cat constelation that only she seemed to see. All I ever saw was a cluster of stars, but in her mind, it was the starry cat goddess, watching over us. I never told her that I saw nothing, just nodded as her eyes glowed, gazing admiringly up at the stars.

When I finally snapped back to reality, Kira came running back from out of the kitchen and grabbed my wrist. "Come on, we gotta get ready to go!" she squeaked playfully, leading me into the kitchen.

As we arrived in the kitchen, Kira let go of my wrist and ran across the kitchen to stand by the door. My mom was leaned against the countertop across the kitchen, the place she always stands when she's waiting for us to get ready. It seemed everyone at that moment was waiting for me. "Lets go," I said casually as I slipped my book bag over my shoulder.

We then all headed outside the door and got into the car. 

I sat in the back seat with Kira. When I saw her tail was sticking out again, I tucked it back in.

"Kira, you need to keep your little tail hidden," I said to her. She only looked at me and giggled. I rolled my eyes, smiling. 

After dropping Kira off at the elementary school; she was in third grade, my mom drove over to my school and let me out.

"Have a good day at school," she said quickly, before driving away. I waved, then turned towards the school. Another day of school, I thought dreadfully as I began to walk towards the doors.

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