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Catherine's POV

"Yo! Yo! Yo!" I heard Miles, Trevor's little bother yell into the microphone. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Is Yo still a thing?" I leaned over the table me and Trevor were sitting at.

"Nah! Now everyone is all about swag. Swag swag swaggie swag swag." He said in his best rapper voice.

"Oh god no! Please tell me swag isn't a real thing?" I laugh.

"Oh you know it! I mean honestly I probably have the most swag ever!" He flipped his hat and put on backwards making him look like a goof.

"Oh really? What about the biebs?" He gasped at the end of my sentence.

"Justin Bieber? Please don't tell me your a fan?" He froze in shock.

"I love his old music! One Time is my jam!" I laugh.

"Yeah and it was the One Time his music didn't sound like crap. Its been all down hill since then!" He scoffed.

"Wait PP-LEEEASE! Baby was great too. Talk me when your album hits number one!" I threw a chip from our nachos at him.

"Let me guess? You dated him too?" He laughed taking the chip off his shirt and eating it. Piggy in the house!

"Now your just being mean..."

"Ok! I am going to give you some REAL music to listen to." He sucks some coke in his straw but instead of bringing it into his mouth he lets the drink spill out onto Miles' plate.

"What are you doing?"

"Shh" He waves me off and I lean over to look at what hes doing. He was using the liquid to spell out Cat. I couldn't help but smile.

"Where did Miles go?" He all of sudden shoots his head up at the little karaoke stage where his brother once was dominating.

All of sudden Trevor stands up abruptly. He spins around frantically.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Robbie never swore around me, and liked how he was such a gentlemen but for some reason with Trevor I didn't seem to care. We had been through so much together, with the whole me having a stroke thing, we were just comfortable around each other. You no, little small polite gestures weren't needed anymore.

"Calm down! We can call him!" I try to reassure him that everything will be ok.

"He doesn't have a phone..."

"What twelve year old doesn't have a phone!" I throw my hands up. Great! Now I'm starting to get worked up!

"My parents don't believe in shit like that! I mean I agree too, technology is ruining the kids of their generation. Whatever happened to playing UNO when your bored!" He bent down so he was at eye level with me.

"Trevor. Will find him."

He let out a breathe and kept nodding his head, "I know, I know..."

"C'mon lets go check the arcade!" He says and runs the other direction. I run after him.

He pulls a helmet off a little blonde boy playing a interactive game. The kid wasn't Miles and he jerked his head back and whined, "I was playing that!!"

Trevor crouched down so him and the kid were the same size and handed him a buck, "Sorry big guy, here it'll buy you for more games." The kid ran off in excitement.

"I thought they only payed people off in Hollywood." I smile.

"Toto, your not in Kansas anymore, so stop thinking about it and help me find my brother." He gripped my shoulders then moved me aside so he could grab another blonde hair kid and interrogate him.

A Robbie Kay (Peter Pan) love storyWhere stories live. Discover now