Ch. 14

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Catherine's POV

Me and Robbie have been hanging out for the past month. It's been great.

We have only known each other for a short time but I felt like he has been around forever. He knows everything about my past and he is so understanding!

Ok, I have to admit it, being just friends is alot harder than I thought it would be. His facial features are just so... perfect. I can't even count the number of times I think about kissing him.

The only thing that has kept me sane is my mystery man. 'Don't get caught up in Robbie, you already have someone. Someone who you were ment to meet that night. He is your destiny' is what i just kept telling myself.

Honestly I am doing a pretty good job at disguising the way I feel but Robbie doesn't even bother. It must be alot harder to be friends for him because he hasn't met his soulmate yet like mwah.

One night it was so late after this clothing store opeing. It was the only thing Dylan would allow me to go to because it was in my contract that I had to be a spokesperson because the line I modeled for 'zero is not a size' was being sold at the store.

Anyway, Dylan and Tyler must have gone clubbing or sonething because when I got back home at around 1:30 they still weren't home. Only God knows where and what Bri was doing.

I had no choice! I didn't know who else to call. Honestly I don't have too many friends I can trust. Most of my so called friends are just teenage girls trying to push and beat there way to the top.

Ok Robbie was the first I called. I knew logan would have probably been home but I don't know I just... Me and Robbie haven't slept togeger since we were in vancouver. If you have ever fallen asleep in someone's arms (excluding your family member's) then you realize that it really is a special experience between the two people. Corny I know, it just feels so right when I'm in his arms.

When I call him he picks up the phone right away. I knew he woukd be up, he likes to watch old movies after midnight.

He answered the phone with concern

"Catherine? Are you alright?"

"Ya, Its just really cold and I can't get in my house."

I could her him make that sound when you smile at something funny.

"On my way muppet." He hangs up the phone.

When he gets there he is wearing gray swet pants and a black fleece that seemed to shape around his muscles perfectly.

I get in the car. I was freezing. Its late November and even though I was in LA it was cold because I was only wearing a jeans and sweater.

When we get back to his house he tells me to be quite but of course I walk right into a small glass coffee table and everything on it falls off.

He chuckles and says in a loud whisper "what did I just say?!"

I flashed him a smile and lift my shoulders up and down.

He grabs my hand and starts to lead my to kitchen. "Knowing you, you're probably hungry." He looked back at me.

"Your house is nice." it was my first time there.

Next thing I know I hear a girls voice coming down the stairs.

"Robbie, whats all the noise?" she said

"Sorry, sis" he said

She walks in and i noticed me and Robbie were still holding hands. I quickly let go but then he grabs my hips and pulls me towards him. See what I mean, he doesn't even bother trying to hid that he likes me.

I let out a big sigh giving him the warning to knock it off but I feel a smirk come across his face and his grip on me becomes tighter.

I mean honestly I didn't mind, in fact I liked how he was in control, but we were trying to be friends and friends didn't do stuff like this.

His sister looks at us for a few seconds and says "you must be Catherine."

I could feel Robbie get nervous.

"He talks about you alot." She continued. I side glanced at Robbie, he was giving the death glare.

"Robbie doesn't usually bring girls home."

"Ya, I got locked out of my house, he was the first I called." I said something so she wouldn't be the only one talking.

"So I'm guessing your staying the night?" I give her a small smile

"Alright but no funny business"

Robbie burried his head into my sholder/neck. He was humiliated. it was cute.

"Thanks, Camilla." he said against my skin.

"Thankyou, Camilla." I smile

"Just don't wake me up again, lovebirds." She laughed as she walked out the room. Robbie still hiding himself shook his head.

After she went upstairs I said "I like her"

He shot his head up "really?"

"Ya, shes cool. I felt like I knew her for a while."

I spun around and looked into his green eyes. His face was still alittle red from his sister. "Maybe its because you talk about me ALL THE TIME"

He shook his head no and kept saying

"I really don't" "Shes such a liar"

"Ya, Ya, Ya." I told him.

We went upstairs to gis room. He gave one of his T-shirts, I felt alittle exposed. He wouldn't give me any pants. There he goes again being all flirtatous.

He only swet pants on. In my mind I was begging him to put on a shirt.

He looked at me and put one eyebrow up "you really want me to put on a shirt, don't you?"

I just look at him.

"Fine!" he says putting his hands up

"You and your friendship rules."

He grabbed a black T but still didn't give me any pants. I gave him another look but he just gave me that smirk and shook his head no.

We got into his bed and he pulled me close. I burried my head into his chest and he put his arm around my stomache. It felt so right.

I thought i was saying it in my head but then i heard myslef whisper "never let me go"

A Robbie Kay (Peter Pan) love storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt