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Catherine's POV

I was running through a crowd. A party.

I looked up and I smiled. This was my party. The one that changed everything. This was the night me and Robbie had out first kiss.

I felt two strong arms spin me around. I see the stranger with the mask and in my gut I new it was Robbie.

We were reliving that night. Dancing the night away. I leaned in for the kiss but he stopped.

He took off his mask and it wasn't Robbie at all- it was Joey.

"Why would I kiss you? Your a monster Catherine Dimanno."

Everyone on the dance floor started whispering monster.

That word couldn't couldn't stop repeating in my mind. Monster...Monster...Your a MONSTER.

"How could anyone love you?" Then Joey's face morphed inyo Robbie's.

"How could I love you. Your nothing but a low life monster." I heard that familar british acccent say.

I tried to run away but I crashed into another familar face. Logan.

"I still haven't forgiven you for the way you treated all of us before you left. Why do you think I haven't come to see you yet?"

I push past him and start sprinting around the party. Everyone was chanting monster, monster, MONSTER!

My world started spinning and I saw the faces of the people closest to me looking at me with discusted expressions.

I screamed. I screamed. I screamed.

I felt someone shaking me. What the hell.

I blinked my eyes open. I see Trevor sitting down on my bed looking at me with worried eyes.

"You ok?" he put up one eyebrow.

"Yes." I say in a harsher tone than I wanted to "Where is Robbie?"

He shrugged his shoulders as a sign he didn't know. I rolled my eyes. I really need someone here.

I closed my eyes and flashes of my dream appeared in my head.

I started to tremble. My whole body shaking. I felt a warm hand being placed on mine.

I quickly pulled it away but immediatly regretted it when I saw the look on his face.

Why was I so mean to him?

"Go back to bed. And don't be afraid, I'm hear and no one is going to hurt you." Trevor said in a montone voice.

I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep.

Robbie's POV

I booked two tickets to LA. Cat needs to be around familiar surroundings right now. I think its for the best.

Plus it gives us time away from that Trevor character who never leaves her side.

It was about 11 oclock in the mourning. All of Cats friend had headed back to LA and I could tell she was starting to miss them.

Trevor was at school so Catherine was all alone.

I walk in and give her a small smile. She looks at me weirdly.

"Come here" she commanded. It was weird she need actually barked orders at me. It was so hot.

I walk over to her without delay and sit on the bed. She quickly pulls her arms around my chest and pulls me into a bear hug.

She was clutching me so tightly. She took a deep breathe and let it out.

Still not letting ho of me she said "Are we good?"

"You tell me?" i say nervous

"I just had this dream... It REALLY freaked me out. I can't stop thinking about it"

"Well maybe this will take you mind off of it." I hold up the two tickets and I can feel her smile against my chest. Then I feel it slowly start to fade.

"What about Trevor?" she asked in a small voice.

"What about Trevor?!" i was getting upset.

"I can't just leave him. Hes worried about me and doesn't want to leave me."

"Please tell me your joking." I was giving her all this sass.

"Robbie... he saved my life." She had a point there.

I cupp her cheeks with my hands and I see her cheeks start to go red.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him." I told her trying to make her as comfortable as possible.

She shouldn't have to compromise things for this guy. Honestly, I know he saved her life, but they have got to move on from that and Cat has to live her life again.

I tightened my grip around her. "You, me, and LA." I whisper

"Ok, boyfriend." Now I was blushing. Thankgod she was burried in my chest so she couldn't see my face.

"Never let me go." She said kissing my hand.


For me this chapter was boring to write. Its sorta a filled chapter but trust me thing are about to start heating up and become more passionate.

Ok so i have some questions:

What do you guys think there shipp name should be?

What do you think about Trevor?

What do you think about Robbie's hatrid for him?

I'm curious! Comment and tell me.

A Robbie Kay (Peter Pan) love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن