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Catherine's POV

I was chillan in my hospital bed. Robbie fell asleep in the chair beside my bed. He was so cute when he slept.

Everytime I look at him I get butterflies- but its more than that. I can't even describe the feeling. It feels like something exploded in my stomache.

It was one oclock in the morning and I was reading one of the percy jackson books. Bri dropped off the essentials. You know, oreos, popstar magazines, all the percy jackson books, and of course all my favorite movies, shes the man, john tucker must die, the lizzie miguire movie, and mean girls.

Emilie (belle) stopped by and gave me my pillows and bed spread. It was nice how she was making me feel comfortable.


He goes to school everyday and comes in at like 3 and won't leave intil midnight.

It was sweet how they were all checking on me but between all the visitors I never got any alone time with Robbie.

I can tell that he doesn't like Trevor being around but I can't just ask him to leave. I mean the kid saved my life. I owe him everything.

Trevor told me alot. He was 17, a year older than me. He was a junior in high school and captian of the hockey team. Personally I'm not a big fan of the sport, too much violence but just the way he talked about it made me want to give it a try.

I can tell hes a really passionate person by the way he talks about everything and how he won't leave me.

He felt responsible for me for some reason. Don't ask me, I don't know. But when hes around Trevor gives of this aura and makes me feel safe compared to when I'm with Robbie and always sneaking around.

I love Robbie. Don't go off the edge and say 'Oh my god a love triangle' thats not it at all. Yes Trevors cute and he saved my life but... When I look at Robbie... The feeling is undescribable.

I close my eyes and start to think of Robbie hoping for sweet dreams oh was a disapointed.

Short one guys! Sorry I just wanted to get one out of the way

A Robbie Kay (Peter Pan) love storyWhere stories live. Discover now