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Catherine's POV

I walked around the party greeting people. I was still in the house and hadn't actually gotten to the pool area yet. I was already exhausted.

People kept coming up to me and giving me hugs like I was at funeral. I just smiled and told them that everything was just swell.

Robbie could see right through my act. He strolls over to me in nothing but his bathing suite and shades on.

"Whats wrong? You love parties." He asks.

"What makes you think somethings wrong. Everythings just dandy. Dandy!" I was fiddling trying to open a coke bottle. Ever since my stroke I have slowly been realizing how weaker I was.

I used to be very fit, I'm on this action show that has demigods in it so the training always kept me in shape. But ever since the incident my body has just been so tired. Is this a side effect. Whatever I'll deal with it later.

"Easy there Tiger!" Robbie said grabbing the bottle out of my hand "I always know when somethings up with you. That fake smile you pulled, I mean c'mon Cat I would expect something more believable than that."

He handed me back the now opened coke bottle.

"You know me, I'm just whining! I'll be ok. I just have to get over this first awkward jump back into society. I thought about it and we can't just keep me locked up in your room forever! Robbie, no matter how much I want to, I must go back to the hard world it is being an actress at 16." I let out a dramatic sigh and he laughed at me.

"Drama queen" he muttered under his voice as he started to walk away.

"I heard that kay!"

I could here him laughing off in the distance.

I gave myself a little pep talk and marched out onto the back deck.

"Catherine!" I heard Dylan yell from the other side of pool. Everyone looked over to me with happy faces.

I felt someone come up behind me throw me over their shoulder.

"Dyl! grab the other one!"

Oh tyler.

I watched Dylan run up and grab his little sister. Bri let out a little yelp. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

My happiness quickly faded once I realized what they were about to do.

"One..." Tyler said

"No, no, no!" me and bri said in unison.

"Two..." Dylan said

I braced myself for the coldness.

"Three!" they said together let go of us.

I hit the water and swam up to the surface as fast as I could.

"My hair! Dylan do you know how long it took to curl it this morning!" Bri was pissed.

I could not help but laugh at her misery. She turns and places both her hands on my shoulders. She pushes me down with all her body.

I resurface and start to splash her. I hear "Ya Dylan, her hair!" then I hear a big splash.

Tyler had pushed Dylan into the pool. Me and Bri looked at each other than together joined forces and went after Dylan.

Tyler was laughing so hard he had to hold on to a lawn chair with one hand so he wouldn't fall over, the other one clutching his stomache.

He reluctantly jumped into the pool. We all started attacking each other. The guest were chuckling at us.

I was having a blast but then... All of sudden I got really lightheaded.

I swam over to the side of the pool clutching the edge. What the hell?

Seriously whats going on with me?

"Catherine, you ok?" I heard Dylan's concerning voice swim up to me. He wrapped both arms around me and hoisted me up so I was no sitting on the edge with me feet dangling.

I felt a rush of air and started to shiver. Dylan hoisted himself up so he was sitting next to me. Tyler swam over and crossed his arms placing them on my kness looking up at me.

I felt a towel being placed over my shoulders. "Cat, lov are you ok?"

I meet his deep green eyes and I knew I couldn't lie "No." I say in an annoyed voice.

"Fine! I'm not ok! deal with it people!" i say louder.

I glance over at Bri who has a smirk on her face. Dylan helps me up to my feet "lets just get you out of these wet clothes."


I'm sitting at a little tiki bar talking with various people.

Its nightfall but its still bright from the tiki torches and firepit.

I'm wearing jean shorts, but dont get me wrong there shorts not the jean looking underwear that Bri wears. I had on a white hoodie and just flung my hair up into a slopy bun. Honestly I didn't care why these people thought of me.

Dylan sits down and rubs my back.

"Stop it." I tell him harshly.


"Don't treat me like a patient." I tell him. He nods in agreement.

"Congrats on the whole Max Ride thing." he gave me a geniune smile.

I took a shakey breathe remembering that I have my biggest audition in less than three weeks.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine! You always are kitty cat." Tht made me feel a whole lot better.

"So, I think Bri has a boyfriend." I choke on my sherly temple when he says this.

"Your joking?" he had to be.

"Nah, she always sneaking out, making excuses why she can't eat dinner with us, I spotted a hickey on her a couple days ago." He smiles shaking his head.

"But Bri doesn't have boyfriends!" It wasn't so much I didn't believe that she would get one, its just how she would get one and not tell me.

"I don't think so Dyl. She would've told me."

He opens his mouth to say something but gets cut off by Tyler screaming his name.

"Speech time." Dylan rolls his eyes and gets up from his seat.

The two boys throw there arms around each other and Tyler begins talking.

"Thankyou all for being here at our home. You guys are the best friends any werewolf could ask for." That sparked off some laughter. (Because he plays a teenwolf on tv)

"Our home is finally complete now that we have both of our girls back!" Dylan raises his glass to me and Bri.

"Hope you all enjoy tonight! And I just wanted to say how blessed both me and Dylan feel, that Catherine is back here safe." Tyler smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up.

Crap is everyone starring at me?

"To Catherine and Brianna!" Dylan said and everyone raised there glasses.

I saw from across the pool Logan lifting his glass up. He and I made eyecontact for a split second before I broke away.

He had this guilty puppy dog look on his face. It made me want to run over there and hug him to death. But I resisted the urge. What he did was not cool and I refused to be a push over about it.

We all gathered around the fire. Robbie slung his arm around me and the warmeth from his body made me so comfortable.

I realized some people were starring. I quickly brushed his arm off me.

My contract was still valid. No dating co-stars. And even though we aren't on the show anymore it still applies.

We laughed and told ghost stories for he rest of the night. I was truly happy. Tonight would be a night I would always remember..

I love my home.

A Robbie Kay (Peter Pan) love storyWhere stories live. Discover now