Ch. 8

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Catherine's POV

I walk down the hall and pretended to get water at the same time every day. Why you might ask? Because of him.

I have been back in LA for about a week and a half now. Tyler and Dylan have been making sure I lay low and not do anything. Like legit nothing.

No red carpets, no fashion shows, no parties, I'm not even aloud to eat lunch at my usual spot.

They just dont want me to jump of the edge again. Lately its been nice, just us four hanging out, eating mexican food, and renting movies. I mean I am a little disapointed I cant go to "Cafe Le Prez" which is the lunch spot all the celebrities go to. Your name has to be on the list to get and finally last summer me and along with friends actually made the cut. I guess you could say it was the heart of the kingdom, and i was queen.

Anyway, I hadn't seen Robbie in over 3 days, and then low an behold there he is strolling down the hallway of my publicists office.

Its a thing that everyday you must have a 15 minute meeting with your publicist, and me and him happen to belong to the same one.

My meeting is always at 9:00 while his doesnt start intil 9:20. I always stay five minutes late so i can see him. He doesn't bother to stop and talk with me because of the way things ended between us but its still worth seeing him give me that cute smirk of his.

This morning he was running late. Of course i stayed, this was the highlight of my day, like i was gonna miss it. Bri comes storming in.

"Whats taking so long?" she asks me.

"Oh sorry.... I'm just..... Waiting" i glance over and Robbie walks in.

He sees me, smiles, then gives me a nodd.

"WHO.WAS.THAT?" bri asked me grabbing my arm

"Just a friend, i don't even know if hes even that anymore ." I say kinda sad.

"Oh so you don't mind if I ask him out?" bri gave me a smirk.

See Bri is the type of girl who hangs out with alot of guys. Ok I'm just gonna say it my bestfriends a total slut and she knows it. Thats one of the things i like about her, she embraces it.

I give that look. She puts her arms up "kidding" she says.

"No you weren't."

"I know.... No but really hes cute. He looks really familar too. Where have I seen him?" She asksd

"There is picture of me and him that this girl Emilie tweeted."

"Hes the boy you were sleeping with!!"

She screamed so the whole parking lot could here. Our friend logan lerman was picking us up.

He raised an eyebrow at me " we took a nap together" i explained

"Makes sense" he said "the other thing is more bri's territory"

We all laughed and jumped into the car.

"But why aren't you too together?" She asked.

"The contract" logan said answering for me. He plays my twin brother on the show were on. Hes my guy best friend.

"No excuse!" bris yelled up from the back seat.

"Not gonna lie, I tried." I confided in them.

"Catherine! Thats so not you!" Logan said giving me a side glance while still watching the road. "I love it!" Bri cut in.

I laughed them both "ya, made it more embarassing when he rejected me."

"He rejected you? Now i feel there is no hope for girls like me to find someone." Bri said

"He said he didn't want to risk my contract and he thought things would change once we got to LA?"

"Well did it?" bri asked me

"No, I like him more then ever."

"I think him rejecting you for your sake is good." Logan added

"What?" Was logan really taking his side.

"I mean i think that makes him a good guy."

I just sat there for the rest of. the ride home thinking about Robbie. I really missed him. Talking to him is different from when I'm talking to my friends. With my friends we make sassy comments and jokes but when I'm talking with Robbie well... I told my hopes and dreams. I wish i could have the nerve to just talk to him.

When i get home dylan was running around.

"We're never gonna a party planner on such late notice!" Tyler complained.

"You guys are having a party?!" I asked.

"Ya its for this big company promotion thingy. I not even sure and me and Dylan are in charge." Tyler complained

"Well let Catherine do it" bri suggested "remember the last party Cat threw, people were buzzing about for weeks. Everybody wanted an invite"

I felt a smile cross my face. I hadn't planned a party in months. Dylan stopped running around "would you want to cat?"

"I have a bazillion ideas in my head! Oh my gosh, this party is going to be to die for." I rush out of the room thinking about where to start. Food, entertainment, decor, it was all to much.... But its one my best talents.

This is going to be the party of the decade.

A Robbie Kay (Peter Pan) love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora