The Movie Premiere

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"Melly!" I shouted into my phone.

"Yeah?" Mel laughed.

"I'm in need of assistance!" She laughed and sighed.

"What do you want, Sara?"

"I don't know how to do makeup!" I continued to scream. She laughed again and I heard her sigh.

"I'm on my way, Sara. See you soon."

"Kaaaay!" I sang before hanging up. I looked at the time and sighed. I was supposed to be at the red carptet at four. The showing was at six and the afterparty started at eight thirty. I was hyped!

I had completely forgotten about what dad and mom had said about my biological mother. I honestly didn't care what she wanted. Daneel was my mom and she's all I wanted. My real mom walked out on us. That was her choice so boo hoo for her.

I grabbed my dress and took off the plastic. It was beautiful. It was a gold color. It had a gold flowers and a gold belt. It also had a thing that went around my neck. It was mostly gold. was all gold. It looked really nice on me. It went just a little tiny bit below the knee. I had gold colored heels with sparkles on them too. To top it off, I had a bracelet and clutch. I went ahead and put it on before Mel walked into my room.

"Alright girl. Time for Melly to take care of you!" She said.

"Wheres your stuff?" I asked.

"I'll put it on after you're done. You're the important one." She smiled. Of course I was bringing Mel to the premiere of the movie. She was my bestest friend in the entire world.

"Okay. What first?" I asked. She grabbed my arms and moved me bakwards a few steps. When she let go, she stepped back to look at me for a few moments.

"Aaaaaaand.....okay. Got it. Come here sweet heart. We got to work on that hair. We are going to be curling it. Come here." I laughed as she turned on the curling iron and sat me down. " James meeting us there or what?"

"Actually, he's riding with us." I spoke.

"Cool. Okay." She nodded. She got my hair curled and then pinned a bit up. She left some down but all in all it looked great. She did very light makeup after that but I was basically done.

Then she put her stuff on. She was taller than me so she went ahead and put on a long dress. It was a pale pink color that went down to the floor. It had beads on the top of it and it was honestly beautiful. I knew I would give an arm and a leg to be as pretty as Mel. She left her hair down and did a little bit of makeup. She did her perfect eyeliner and had sparkly silver eyeshadow. I was jelous as heck. She topped hers off woth a nice pair of earrings. I sighed and shook my head.  "I hate you for being so pretty." She laughed and shook her head.

"Same." She smiled, looking at me.

"Ugh." I groaned when I looked at the time. "I'm nervous."

"You'll be okay." My best friend told me.

"I know I probably will be but its my first premiere. If people like it, it'll do great but otherwise, yikes." I sighed. Mel smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. You and James are literally the highlight." She laughed. I scoffed and shrugged.

"The others are good. Olivia,  Devon and Hellen have good scenes." I said. Mel rolled her eyes.

"Isn't Hellen the bitchey one?" She asked. I shrugged and sighed.

"She's just moody." I whispered. Mel scoffed and rolled her eyes.

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