Chapter Twenty-Two: Hanamura [Hanzo]

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"I worry it might be much more serious than that," You prayed Hanzo was not as sick as the castle-keeper recounted.

"Well, milady, am I ever grateful you are here now." He confessed. "Perhaps you might be able to mend his heart as well."

You couldn't help but flush at his suggestion. "I'm sorry?"

"Days before falling ill, our Lord has been distraught. He was less assertive than usual, often lost in thought. It was difficult to not speculate. Forgive me, I overstep."

When you arrived at Hanzo's suite, the castle-keeper bowed in reverence. "Please let me know if you need anything, milady."

"Thank you," You gave a quick, awkward bow in return, and he departed.

You took in the familiar space, left your belongings near the door, and made for his bedroom where a single candle served as the only source of light.

Your stomach dropped when you saw the marksman, languid and unconscious. Your heart lurched as you listened the ragged quality of his breathing. Silently, you sat at his side, taking in the length of his form. Bare from the waist up, you could see the beads of sweat on his skin.

Noticing the angry wound on his knuckle, you lifted his hand, gently holding it in your own. The abrasive wound was infected, the surrounding tissues swollen and hot to the touch. Your fingers exerted gentle pressure on his skin, and you willed him to heal.

Only when the wound was completely gone did you let his hand go.

As the exhaustion of travel became more noticeable, you laid down on the vacant side of Hanzo's bed. You watched his sharp profile as his fever receded, as his breathing became more normal, as the affliction left his body.

You closed your eyes, and for the first time in several nights, you could finally rest easy.


There was boundless darkness.

Nothing else.

Subsumed, he felt weightless.

Hanzo did not mind the pitch black. It calmed him. This was the first time in countless hours that he was free of despair.

No emotion plagued him.

He was at peace.

Was he dead?

A shooting pain suddenly claimed his left arm. The dragon spirit within him stirred, and the entirety of his left upper limb shone—at first, a dim glow, then a blinding flash that chased away the darkness.

He opened his eyes, waiting for the floating spots to leave his vision. Hanzo raised his fingers to touch his eyes but stopped when he noticed the layers of bandages covering his arm entirely.

"You're awake, now."

He set his gaze on the source of the voice, and he wondered if he was dreaming. "[Y/N]..."

"Welcome back to the world of the living," You smiled when you heard his voice. Tucking a lock of hair behind your ear, you drew near to him and tried to maintain your composure. "You did quite a number on your hand. Your wound nearly killed you, Hanzo."

His eyes widened as he studied your familiar features. He even took in his surroundings to reorient himself. Directing his gaze back to your face, he finally asked, "What are you doing here?"

"To be with you." You replied without hesitation.

In silence, he processed your words. He couldn't decide if he should be ecstatic or upset upon the sight of you. With meager physical energy, Hanzo sat himself up and leaned against the headboard to maintain his upright position. "I thought I'd made myself clear. You belong with Genji."

You shook your head. Quietly, you took your place on the edge of the bed, sitting with your torso slightly rotated to face the apprehensive marksman. "It's not your place to decide for me." You chided before inching closer to him. "My heart is yours. I want to be with you."


"No ifs, ands, or buts." You interrupted him sternly, your eyes delving into his. Then, your features softened as you continued. "It hasn't even been a week since you parted without explanation, and you nearly lost your arm and died to an infection. I'm beginning to think you have a cloud hanging above you. You need me."

Without giving him much warning, you wrapped your arms around the self-denying man who has captured your heart. He made no effort to stop you, growing still in your embrace, hesitating as he enjoyed the warmth emanating from your body.

"Just as I need you, Hanzo," You said softly, resting your head against the side of his neck. "I'm in love with you. Tell me that you don't feel anything at all for me, and I will take my leave. But if you have even a trace of affection for me... then, let me love you."

He listened to your gentle words, his heart racing a million miles per hour. With reluctance, he placed his hand on your arm, his bandaged arm wrapped around your waist. The gesture made the butterflies rampage wildly in your belly. "You know how to humble a man." He chuckled, then his face grew solemn. "For the first time in my thirty-eight years, I understand what it means to love someone more than myself."

You slowly withdrew, giving ear to his words.

"You've changed me for the better." He became quiet, pensive. Then, Hanzo smiled a bittersweet smile. "Being distant from you, I've learned much about myself the past several days. One thing for certain is that I cannot survive without you, [Y/N]."

Your heart did a flutter, a skip—and your lips were suddenly claimed by his. You looked at him speechlessly, having expected for him to put up more of a fight against your being here.

But he wove his fingers through your hair and drew you close to him. When he concluded the kiss, he brought his forehead to yours and gazed into your eyes, "Gods know I do not deserve you, but I need you in my life... more than you realize. I will give my everything to protect you, to cherish you. I swear it."


A/N: This is the first part to the Hanzo path. I had to write him first because I personally love him
more than Genji. He's such a broken man, and I'm a sap for those.

The first part to Genji's will come after this. Then, I'll write the lemons (part two's) we've all been waiting for heehee.

Thank you always for your patience and support, friends. I apologize is this chapter is kind of short and uneventful.

If you guys enjoy final fantasy, please check out my new smut book. ;)

I'll see you guys soon!


In the Midst of Two Dragons 〈Hanzo x Reader x Genji〉Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ