Thea Queen Returns

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'Gotta keep running, Thea. Ignore the burning in your lungs, ignore the pull and tug of the muscles in your legs. Think about what awaits you when you arrive back home. Mom, Ollie, the world. Just gotta keep running.' I think as run across the island, ducking trees, leaping over fallen trees, zipping through the obstacles that attempt to keep me away from my return home.

I arrive at the giant mountain of rocks, I quickly hop, leap, and scurry over the rocks.

'Almost there. Come on, Thea. Just need to get to the bow and arrow. I need to get of this island.' I say in my head as keeping running up the rocks.

Finally, I'm at the top, I quickly grab the bow and arrow. I strike the arrow against the rocks, igniting the tip into a flame. I quickly place the arrow on the bow of the string, and sigh as I pull the string of the bow back.

'It's time to get of this shitty island.' I think as I release the string, sending the arrow to the pile of wood and plants on the other side of the island.


I smile happily, as I see the boat turning towards the island.

'I did it. I'm going home.' I think as I leap down all the rocks, running to get to the other side of the island before the boat.

As I run across the island, I stop to where my father lies. I kneel down in the dirt, next to the make shift grave. I put my hand on the pile of rocks.

"I'm going home, Dad." I whisper happily.

I stand up and look around me. Finally, I get to leave this nightmare. I continue to run till I arrive at the other side of the island, I see the crew of the boat climb off the boat onto the land. I stumble to them and fall to my knees in the sand. I look up at them.

"My name is Thea Queen." I say.


'It has been reported that after 5 years since the Queen's Gambit has sunk, Thea Queen, who was 12 years old at the time, is home. Thea Queen has returned home, and she has confirmed that her father, Robert Queen, did not survive, and reportedly drowned.' Another news-reporter broadcasts.

I am standing near the window of my hospital room, staring out at the city that was once called home. That's when I hear the door of the room open.

"Thea." I hear Mom gasp out.

I quickly turn around, and immediately begin to tear up.

"Mommy?" I ask as tears begin to stream down my face.

She runs up at me and wraps her arms around me. I do the same and hold onto her tightly.

"I missed you so much, Mom." I cry.

"Shh, you're home. I missed you so much, baby." Mom cries back as she rubs my back up and down gently.

After a minute, she pulls back and cups my face in her hands.

"Let's go home." She whispers as she wipes the tears that stream down my face.


"Everything is exactly as you left it, I never had the heart to clear it out." Mom says as we walk into the mansion.

"Speedy!" Oliver cries as he runs down the stairs.

"Ollie!" I cry as I drop all of my stuff down on the wood floor.

I hop into Oliver's open arms and I hug him tight. He hugs me tight as well, and spins us around. Oliver finally puts me back on the ground, and grabs my shoulders gently.

"I knew you were alive, I knew it! God, I missed you so much Thea." Oliver says as he tears up.

"I missed you, too. Look at you, finally ditched the long hair. I am very grateful, because you looked liked a blonde mop before." I joke as I rub his head.

"I can't wait to tell you everything and show you everything. So much has changed you're gonna love it!" Oliver says excitedly.

"Oliver, let your sister unpack first." Mom says gently.

"Oh yeah." He says with a goofy smile.

"After I'm done, I'm all yours." I say as I grab the wooden box with the handle.

"You need any help?" Oliver says as he reaches for the wooden box in my hand.

I quickly switch it to the other hand.

"I'm good, I'm just gonna go get settled." I say as I start to climb up the stairs.


I sigh as I close my bedroom door. I look and see my old pink bedroom. I walk over to my small bed and lay the wooden box across. I sigh as I open the box, memories crashing down on me. I pull out the bow, the quiver, various amounts of herbs and plants, and finally my father's leather book. The book filled with names of people who are destroying my home, my city. Although I returned back home to see my family, I returned with a mission as well. To right my father's wrongs, to save this city. I sigh as I start to put the various items back in the wooden box, except the book. I slip the book into the back pocket of my new black jeans. I sit down on my pink sheet covered bed, and look around. I hear a quick knock on my bedroom door, and it opens, revealing Oliver.

"Hey." I sigh, turning around to face with a small smile.

"Hey. Looks like we might need someone to come in and redecorate." Oliver says as he closes the door and leans against it.

"Sounds like a great idea, but I don't really know my type of style. Never really had to think about it on the island." I confess to him.

"I'll ask my girlfriend, she kinda multi talented. Ask her for some ideas." Oliver offers.

"Sorry, but Laurel doesn't really seem like the type of person who knows how to decorate." I say.

"Yeah, Laurel is not my girlfriend anymore." Oliver says.

"Okay, Sara definitely doesn't seem like the type." I gawk.

"Her name is, Felicity Smoak. You're gonna love her." Oliver says with a smile.

"Wow, I definitely missed a lot." I smirk.

"Very funny, Speedy. Let me take you out for a bite to eat and I'll tell you all what you missed." Oliver offers.

"Oh, food does sound good. Deal." I say as I get up off the bed.

I walk towards my bedroom door, towards Oliver. Oliver smiles as he drapes his arm over my shoulders and pulls me closer to him.

"God, I missed you, Speedy." Oliver sighs as we walk out my bedroom.


My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now