43: In the End✔️

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MUSIC: Teqq - The Road Ahead

Jayde's inhibitor rings snapped off, her body quickly moving before the monster slammed its foot down. The dust cleared and each person of the gang gasped loudly. Straining for her life, her hands flush against the foot of the creature, was Jayde. Her body was fired up as her inhibitor rings fell off her wrists, one of her knees being squashed against the ground as the monster pushed her. A growl left her lips, eyes glaring up, clenching her fingers slightly as she let out a loud yell before throwing the creature towards Dr Eggman.

"Watch it!" he yelled, moving his eggcarrier higher up.

Shadow stood beside Jayde, letting out his full power as his inhibitor rings fell off too. The two hedgehogs looked like they were in a burst of flames, their bodies igniting with power from the Seven Shards. They nodded towards each other before flying towards the creature. The hedgehogs spin dashed into the monsters sides, punching and kicking at full force. Shadow let out a big chaos blast, charging up his full power, slamming it straight into the back of the monster. It roared loudly, swiping his paw towards the hedgehog, barely missing his nose. Jayde and Shadow continued to fight, their friends below watching their every move.

Amy rested on Sonic, her eyes looking up as they watched the scene. She was proud of herself to fight a bigger opponent, but she didn't think she had the guts to fight that thing, especially when she saw Jayde under its foot, just barely holding onto life. Shadow and the grey hedgehog worked great as a team, and she could only wish that it was her and Sonic who could be like that.

Sonic, on the other hand, kept Amy's weight on him, knowing that she'd be tired out from fighting that demon. Eggman robots were no problem for her, but a giant killer creature, capable of destroying an entire city in a few minutes? Not so much. He watched his new friend and Faker fight against the enemy, praying that neither of them would be seriously injured. As much as he wished to be up there with them, he needed to give someone else the opportunity to battle against the biggest. He'd be their back up.

Blaze laid in Silver's arms, the fire blast taking up a lot of her energy. Silver knew that Blaze needed to rest, but she wouldn't as long as her friends were up fighting in the sky. He winced as Shadow got a punch around the face, but saw how he continued. Silver would be the one to catch them if they fell, he'd be the one on the ground, making sure none of them got seriously injured.

Up in the sky, Shadow and Jayde looked down at the limping creature. One more blow and it would be all over. Shadow held out his hand so they could combine their powers, and give a powerful final spin dash to the enemy, "Together?"

Jayde looked up at the glowing green hedgehog, his eyes meeting hers. She grasped his hand, nodding, "Together."

The both pelted forward, their speed becoming too fast to keep up with. Jayde concentrated on her inner strength, clutching Shadow's hand as she passed on the invisibility to protect them from the monster, before the dark hog pulled them into a fast moving spin dash. With Shadow's speed and Jayde's invisibility, they took the final blow on the creature.

A bright light filled the sky, the monster giving one final roar before it crumbled into nothingness. Everyone covered their eyes, stumbling back at the pressure the blast put on them. Sonic, Amy and Silver's body returned to normal, the power draining from them as the final enemy was destroyed. Dr Eggman growled from his eggcarrier, slamming a fist against the desk. He turned and yelled over his shoulder, "I'll be back someday!"

"You say that all the time!" Sonic chuckled before yelling, "See you tomorrow, Egghead."

"It's Eggman!"

"Where are they?" Knuckles asked, collecting the Seven Shards as they dropped to the floor, most of their power gone until they regained it from the podiums. The gang looked towards each other before running towards the fighting area. It was all clear. The trees looked like nothing had been damaged; the grass appeared green and fresh again. It had all been reversed. Everything was peaceful and quiet. No bird made a sound as the sky awakened again, lighting up the clearing.

Tails flew up, looking around, worried for his new friends. He'd blame himself if they were completely gone. Silver scanned the area too. It may be possible, with all that energy racing through them, that they were obliterated and sealed away with the Shard's power, but he decided to think against that. He saw two dark splodges in the distance, "There!" They all ran towards them, watching as Shadow slowly sat up, gripping his head and letting out a small groan.

He felt as though his body was drained of energy after the Riot form wore off and the two hedgehogs passed out against the impact of the blast. His eyes opened, blinking away the blurry vision before he saw a light grey hedgehog lying on her side beside him, her arms bent towards her face. Her inhibitor rings had returned to her wrists, the jade bands coming back, "Renee?" the dark hedgehog asked, moving her shoulder to lay her on her back. Her breathing was light but in short pants, proving that what had just taken place had actually happened. A light bruise covered one side of her muzzle, but nothing too painful for the female to handle.

"Is she okay?" Amy asked, bending down to her. The grey hedgehog's fists clenched before her eyes opened slightly. She flinched against the bright light, straining her ears to hear the people around her.

Studying her surroundings, Jayde sat up slowly, shaking out her quills, "Did we... Did we win?"

The blue hedgehog chuckled, "Yeah." The grey hedgehog copied, letting out a small laugh, soon followed by everyone else. Even the Ultimate Lifeform gave a contended chuckle, holding out a hand to pull up the Protector beside him.

Silver and Blaze grinned towards each other. They were now able to return to the future and protect the Seven Shards and the planet, should the Interficio Quattuor ever awaken again. They knew how to save a Protector if they transformed into their Negative form. The future looked like a bright place for them.

The Sonic team had defeated the Interficio Quattuor and saved the planet from another of Eggman's plans. There would always be another on the way, but until then, they'd kick back and relax and stay on the lookout for the doctor's robots. And with a new ally on their side and future moments together, everything looked okay for the Sonic team.

They all circled before cheering, "We won!"

Sonic grabbed the baseball from Jayde's quills and smirked, "How about a game as a celebration?"

And Jayde could only smile.

Jayde and the Seven Shards


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I hope you enjoyed! 😊

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