19: Mephiles ✔️

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MUSIC: (Sonic Adventure) Run Through the Speed Highway - Speed Highway

The Sonic Team

"If Jayde is surrounded by negative Chaos energy she will turn in to Raven; a form that is pure evil and will stop at nothing to get what she wants," Silver spoke. Everyone was circled around the fire, listening as the telekinesis hedgehog told them about Negative Jayde, "If you're in her way, you will get hurt, there's no opt out option. If you challenge her, you will suffer."

Shadow had his back turned to everyone as he stood a few metres away. How could he let this happen? He promised to protect her, to stop Mephiles from taking over her body, and he failed her.

"Do you think there's a way I can connect to her using the Master Emerald?" Knuckles suggested, his fists scrunched together beside his muzzle.

Silver stared at the flames, "I'm not sure. There's a rare possibility that you'd be able to connect with her, but you'd be able to see if we can still save her."

Sonic looked up at him, his eyes pulled into a frown, "What do you mean 'if'?"

The white hedgehog sighed, resting his head in his palms, "In the future there was another protector. He was a brave warrior and fought for what he thought was right. But he came in contact with negative chaotic energy, and he turned dangerous and started to create his own living hell. After a while, his humanity was eventually killed off because of the amount of negative energy flowing through him." Silver looked up at the fire, covering his muzzle with his fingers, "We had to destroy him."

Amy gasped, "B-But we don't have to destroy Jayde right?" she looked towards Silver who's eyes frowned sadly, his white fur lighting  up orange with the flames in front of him, "R-Right?" The hedgehog still didn't respond and Amy's ears drooped.


Everyone looked up to the red and black hedgehog that had turned to face them. His own orbs looked like they had pools of fire in them as his clenched his fists, "I'm not going to let Jayde stay in her negative form. I won't fail another." Each of the Sonic Team knew he was referring to Maria.

A loud, evil laugh caught their attention before a dark creature appeared from the sludge beside the trees, "You already have failed her, my shadow."

The red striped hedgehog glared at his grey and black lookalike, his teeth clenched. Silver and Sonic stood to attention, their body tense and ready to attack, "What did you do to Jayde?" Shadow snapped, glaring at Mephiles, "What did you do to my Renee?"

"I made her better." He grinned. Each of the Sonic Team knew that Mephiles was easy to defeat without his true power, but he was still dangerous.

"You didn't make her better," the dark hedgehog growled, "She was already perfect, you ruined her!"

"You honestly think it was my fault?" Mephiles asked, a small laugh echoed from his non-existent mouth, "I wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for a certain evil genius who gave me the power to rise from the dead."

"Eggman." Silver muttered, glaring at his arch nemesis, "Why did he bring you back?"

"He needed me to turn that renegade into her negative form to help him conquer this world. He said he needed her to defeat you, but I think I can handle that." Mephiles grinned.

"You were weak before, it's easy to defeat you again." Sonic chuckled. Mephiles glared at the blue hedgehog before summoning a large black monster behind him. It had four eyes, each a dark brown that glistened in the moonlight. It stood on four legs, its feet crunching every tree around it like they were twigs. It gave a furious roar, glaring at the three male hedgehogs below.

Sonic nodded towards Silver and Shadow before raising his hands. Chaos Emerald rose from around them; two coming from Knuckles, one each from the male hedgehog's, one from Tails and Mephiles' emerald rose from his quills and surrounded the three hedgehogs. They started to spin around them, power travelling through each of the male hedgehogs before their fists clenched, and their fur turned golden. The remaining Sonic Team were blinded momentarily, covering their eyes before they witnessed the Super transformation once again. The males hovered slightly above the ground, each of their eyes a ruby colour.

"Let's get this over with." Shadow muttered, shooting off to face the monster. Silver and Sonic quickly followed after, each of them landing a punch on the creature. The red striped hedgehog sent a shower of chaos spears towards the body of the monster, another roar leaving it. The speedster rolled around in his super form, his speed even faster than before as he spin dashed into the legs of the creature, knocking it off guard.

Blaze balanced at the top of a tree, sending fireballs towards the telekinesis hedgehog, allowing him to capture them and aim them directly towards the monstrosity. Knuckles and Rouge couldn't stand watching their friends fight alone, so they flew around the monster. Rouge preformed her spin attack, slicing her heel through its fur and skin. Knuckles slammed his fist against the legs of the monster; Sonic grabbed the red echidna's gloved hand and tossing his up into its stomach, allowing Knuckles to strike the creature with incredible force.

Tails was busy with some calculations on his gadget before he yelled out, "Guys! The weakest points are the right side and its head!" Each of them heard, aiming for the frailest points of the monster.

Mephiles let out a growl before negative energy shot towards each of the golden forms, a yell escaping them. The negative chaotic energy wrapped around all of the fighters, the monster able to fight back. Blaze was knocked from the tree, the telekinesis hedgehog trying to save her, but the bad chaotic energy going through him stopped his powers and another shout of pain left him. Rouge and the red echidna had an almighty whack against them, sending them flying towards the young fox. The pink hedgehog gasped as she watched all her friends be harmed and flames surrounded her eyes. Her fingers clicked, and a massive mallet appeared in her hands. The pink hedgehog's ears pinned back and she ran at full speed towards Mephiles the Dark, clenching her teeth as she glared at the back of his head.

Mephiles didn't have time to process anything as he heard a battle cry and his body jolted forward as a force struck him. Sonic, Shadow and Silver were released from the negative chaotic energy, each of their forms dropping to the ground. The speedster stood up, clutching his stomach as he watched the happy, innocent pink hedgehog slam her hammer against the enemy. Power was running through her as the inhibitor rings on her wrist glowed brightly. The monster started to cave in as his creator was being pummelled into the ground, before it collapsed into a black dust and disappeared from existence.

Amy stepped back, breathing heavily as Mephiles slowly rose to his feet again. He went to fire a shot of negative chaotic energy towards the pink female with his last bit of strength until a gold blur raced around the two hedgehogs and a foot collided with his muzzle, knocking him straight into a tree. Sonic landed beside the pink hedgehog, watching as Mephiles sunk into the ground again - never to return. Amy drew a deep breath before her body collapsed. The blue blur quickly caught her before she hit the ground and raised her in his arms.

Tails flew over to the two, "That energy boost must have left her weak afterwards; I've never seen her become so angry."

"Sonic?" Amy whispered resting against her blue hero as his super form faded away and his quills returned to their originally cobalt colour.

Sonic smiled down at the female, "You did good, Ames. He's gone thanks to you." Amy weakly grinned before closing her eyes and resting. Shadow and Silver lost their power, relaxing on the ground and breathing heavily. They still had to get rid of Negative Jayde, or Raven, and it wouldn't be easy to bring the real Jayde back.

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