27: Finding Five✔️

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MUSIC: REGGIO, Malik Bash & Zack Martino - Fuse (Original Mix)

Further in the woods, Jayde, Shadow, Sonic, Silver and Blaze were walking back towards Tails' workshop. The grey hedgehog jumped around beside the Ultimate Lifeform, nudging his side. Crimson orbs stared at the female before picking her up and moving her to his shoulders in one swift motion. Jayde paused at the new height before chuckling, gently and skilfully moving his sharp quills to balance herself. The red striped hedgehog moved her to his shoulders mainly to stop her from running around him, but he also wanted her to be close to him - as if she was his lifeline.

Silver, Sonic and Blaze were up ahead, discussing on how they would stop Eggman from collecting all the Shards, "If Eggman gets the black Shard and activates it by itself, we won't be able to do much." Blaze spoke, twirling some flames between her palms. The hazel eyes of the white hedgehog beside her watched the fire. Coming from the future, he had not known of this part of the past. He didn't know what to expect when he time travelled and meeting Jayde did not occur to him. His job was to protect the future of the planet, and as long as he had a Chaos Emerald, he could go back in time for any problem.

The reason for coming to the future at this present time is because this was the time when the Seven Shards were truly discovered. He came back to learn about them to support the future Shard Protectors. The more he knows about them, the less reason he will have to kill the Protectors if they turn into their Negative forms. It was inevitable for all of them.

Silver now knew that to save them from the negative chaotic energy was to use the Master Emerald or, like Shadow did, have someone who truly cares about them, their loved one, kiss them. Jayde would never be back if the red striped hedgehog hadn't taken that risk, and because he did, she's safe. Hazel eyes glanced back that the two hedgehogs. The grey female was on the Ultimate Lifeform's shoulders, messing with his quills as she laughed at something he said. The white hedgehog smiled at the two - no way was Shadow letting her get hurt again. Not while he was around.

"What about our Super forms?" Sonic suggested, juggling a few rocks in his left hand. Silver joined back into their conversation, shaking his head.

"Our Super form would be too weak."

"Even mine?" the blue hedgehog's eyes widened.

Silver rolled his eyes at the ego hedgehog, "Oh yeah, especially yours Sonic." The five continued walking through the forest, the sunset making the woods slowly turn darker.

Not too far away, the pink hedgehog was breathing heavily. Her body leant against a tree trunk, a hand on her head as she wiped away the sweat drops, "Oh Sonic, where are you?" she whined, continuing to walk forward. Her jade eyes suddenly widened in happiness as a familiar cobalt quilled hedgehog appeared through the trees, making a cry of delight leave her lips, "Sonic!"

The blue hero didn't have time to respond before he struggled for breath as the female crushed him with one of her tight hugs, "A-Amy! C-Can't breathe."

Amy giggled, letting her hero go; Sonic took a large, dramatic breath in, stumbling away. Shadow walked up to the rest with Jayde still on his shoulders, "Amy?" she asked, patting down a few of the Ultimate Lifeform's quills down.

The pink hedgehog looked up at the blue striped female, a slight jealousy running through her. Why couldn't Sonic be like that to her? Amy waved, grinning up at the Protector, "Hey, Jayde!"

"Amy, what are you doing here?" Blaze asked, her flames evaporating into thin air. The pink hedgehog pointed towards the Ultimate Lifeform.

"Rouge and Knuckles need to save some Guardians that Eggman has in his lair, but they don't know where he is. They need Shadow and Jayde to help." The pink female explained before rummaging through her quills. Her gloved hand pulled out a green Chaos Emerald, throwing it towards the ebony hedgehog, "Here you go, Shadow!"

The Ultimate Lifeform caught the crystal, one of his feet stepping back to balance himself against the extra weight, "Thanks, where are they?"

"I thought you just had the Chaos Emeralds?" Jayde frowned, confused.

"Every time you use them they get sent away and spread out all over again." Blaze told her.

The grey female rolled her eyes, "That's a bit pointless."

Amy stared at Sonic, watching as he kicked up one of the rocks. She shook her head before responding to the red and black hedgehog, "They're by the pink Shard podium."

Shadow nodded at the pink hedgehog before lifted up the Chaos Emerald, "CHAOS CONTROL!"

Jayde and Shadow disappeared in a bright light, the remaining four covering their eyes momentarily. Amy sighed slightly; why couldn't Sonic act lovingly towards her and give her piggy backs? She knew the male didn't love her the way she did but that didn't stop her from showing her affection to him.

The blue blur frowned at the cerise female, not understanding her sadness. He grinned, racing around her at his full speed until her grabbed her arm, a small squeal leaving her lips. As he came to a halt, she rested on his shoulders, her quills in a state, "Sonic!" Amy cried, clutching his blue spines in fright at the new altitude. The cerulean hedgehog chuckled to himself, holding onto her ankles as he walked in the direction of Tails' workshop. Blaze and Silver glanced at each other, a grin on their muzzles as they stared at the two hedgehogs in front of them.

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